Part 107 the truth comes out

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Regina and Emma watched the stars for a while. In the meantime Facilier and Zelena still came into her mind

"What are you thinking about?" Emma frowned.

"Just... Zelena and Samdi.. she always hated the man and now." Suddenly it finally hit Regina. "She always wants what I have or had. That's why she's with him" Regina scoffed.

Emma's eyes widened. Again it was about Samdi and Zelena. "Can you just stop talking about them?" Emma asked, getting slightly annoyed.

"No, it's ridiculous the way she's acting and what she's doing. She never changes." Regina looked at Emma. "I can't believe her. She has always been jealous of me and still is."

"Regina there's no need to get mad about this maybe there's something else that you don't know about." Emma once again tried to calm her down.

"No there isn't another reason. I'm sure this is it. She's so fucking pathetic going after everything I have or used to have." Regina shook her head. She didn't realize this was actually hurting Emma.

"God, are you still into that guy or what?" Emma snapped. "You guys had a thing, it ended get the fuck over it or don't complain about it to your wife?" Emma scoffed.

"W-what?" Regina looked at Emma with widened eyes.

"All you've been doing is talk about them. Saying how Zelena wants everything you have had. It shouldn't matter to you whatever dat Samdi does but somehow it does." Emma looked at Regina, not stopping. "It makes me wonder, are you even over him."

Regina looked at Emma in shock. Emma wasn't usually the one to talk like this. "Ofcourse I am, for fucks sake I married you." Regina said in disbelief.

"I have a hard time believing it." Emma didn't look at Regina. "Ever since you saw him tonight you barely talked about anything else and now with that Zelena wants everything you have?" Emma now looked at Regina. "You do know how that sounds right?"

Regina took a step forward to Emma but Emma took one back. She hadn't planned that date night to go like this. "Emma, I didn't mean it like that.." Regina whispered. "I love you and you know that." Regina bit the inside of her cheek.

Emma looked at Regina and kept quiet. She felt upset but she did believe Regina.

"Come on, Emma you know I do." Regina felt helpless. Emma looked at Regina and still didn't say anything. With her magic she made herself disappear to home.


Once at Samdi's place, Zelena had no idea where to look. His house seemed so much bigger from the inside. "This must be a spell you've put on this room. This can't be just 3 by 7 meter..."

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't..." samdi poured in 2 glasses of chardonnay. "What is it you'd like to learn?"

Zelena walked towards him until their bodies touched. "I'd like to know," she said in a teasing way. "How you get people to do things, how to get to them and make the do stuff without having to take their heart. Like you did to Hansel. The one that was destined to kill me but instead he got killed-by you."

Samdi took a step back and swirled his glass. "Ah, you want to learn voodoo? Is that why you're with me?"

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't..." Zelena teased and drunk from the glass. "Anyways, do you want to teach me some?"

"Are you planning on using it on someone?" Samdi asked and surprisingly she kept very quiet. "So that's a yes? Who are you planning on using it, I'm happy to help if it makes you happy."

"I want to learn it myself. You're not always by my side to help me." Zelena put down the chardonnay. "So are you in?"

Samdi nod. "I'm in. But what's in it for me?"

"What ever you want." Zelena shrug her shoulders. "But it can wait for now. Give you some time to think what you want. I'm capable of most."

Samdi studied Zelena's body language. "You never really liked me, did you?"

Zelena scoffed. "Please, I don't have my sisters taste in men. I know where to get my information from and I should get it one way or another. I'll always be the Wicked Witch of the West and she works best alone. I just need some people by my side for a little support."

"Clever." Samdi couldn't help but laugh. "I've underestimated you. You're quite unique, you know."

Zelena took her glass of Chardonnay again and drunk another sip. "You don't need to remind me. I know what I am."

"Don't get me wrong but what was that whole act in the restaurant? It really seemed like you were interested in me."

"Never heard of acting? It's part of my daily job as a mother." Zelena said honestly. "It's a 24/7 job." She joked. "For the outside would it has to look like we're dating, just to prevent us from any miscommunications to be happening. Men always need an explanation for things, don't they?"

"Well. In this case, I need an explanation. Why does it have to look like it?" Samdi was as confused as before.

"Just act like you're really into me, that's all I ask." Zelena took his hand and held it on her heart. "If you succeed, there will be a heart less in the world that I want to get rid of. And you're going to help me wether you like it or not."

"I have no problem with the acting." Samdi smirked evilly. "You're up to no good. Who you're on about?"

"No one you'll miss. One no one will miss." She laughed. "Now, the voodoo part of you please."

"I'll be right back," Samdi said being just inches away from Zelena and kissed her cheek. He could act just like the couple she wanted them to be, as long as he could get something in return. He left to another room to prepare everything for the voodoo learning lesson for the witch.

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