JakeSteven - Trust me

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(In Egypt)
Steven woke up in a strange new place. It looked like a hotel room but very orange and warm.
He looked down to see his hands covered in blood and gasped softly.

"M-Marc, what did he do?" Steven whispered rushing to the bathroom and scrubbing the blood off his hands.

"Godammit, come off please." Steven whispered feeling tears in his eyes as he scrubbed his hands.

"Marc doesn't do a very good job protecting you does he?" He heard a voice say as he looked up into the mirror to see someone looking back at him.
But he knew it wasn't Marc.

"Who are you?" Steven whispered as the strange new man smiled at him.

"No need to be afraid perrito." The man whispered as Steven looked at him. He couldn't respond.

"My name is Jake." He finally answered Steven's question.
He was surprised enough when he found out about an American man inside of him, now a Spanish man?

"Go lay down on the bed." Jake said as Steven looked up at him.

"No, go away so I can try and get home." Steven grumbled as Jake chuckled softly.

"I wasn't asking." He said looking sternly into Steven's eyes.

"Lay down." Jake said again but in a deeper voice as Steven sighed and stumbled back out to the bed.
He grabbed the only blanket that didn't have blood on it and wrapped himself in it before laying on the bed.

"You're afraid aren't you?" Jake whispered as he looked ahead where he was laying to see Jake again.

"Wouldn't you be!? My life isn't mine any more, M-Marc doesn't listen to anyone but Khonshu and he keeps hurting everyone. I don't know where I am, I want my bed back and my fish and my life." Steven stuttered out nervously as he closed his eyes tightly.

"Shh Steven. You can trust me, I can protect you a lot better than Marc can. Poor sweet boy, you don't need any of this." Jake whispered as Steven opened his eyes again and looked at Jake.

"Sleep Steven, you need to rest."
Jake whispered as Steven's eyes closed as if he couldn't disobey Jake's words.


Steven woke up again with a gasp to see he was back in his apartment in his bed.

"A dream?" He questioned, he was beyond confused before he looked up to see Jake in the flesh in front of him.

"Not a dream perrito, this is inside our mind. I wanted you to be in a comfortable place. You've been so afraid lately." Jake whispered before he sat beside Steven.

"Such a precious thing." Jake whispered as he reached forward and ran his finger over Steven's cheek.

"Where's Marc?" Steven muttered in fear as Jake sighed and held the side of Steven's face.

"Does it matter? He hurt you Steven, and I protected you. I'm the one that you need to trust." Jake said as Steven looked into his eyes.

"You won't hurt me?" Steven muttered as Jake smiled softly.

"No mi amor, I'm just going to take care of you." Jake replied making Steven nod.
Jake laid down on his side and opened his arms up.

"Come here." Jake said as Steven looked at him shyly my slowly laid down and shuffled into Jake's arms.
Jake wrapped his arms around Steven tightly.

"Rest Steven, let me protect you." Jake whispered as Steven's body relaxed and he closed his eyes.
He should've felt worried or afraid, but he felt safe and comforted.

"That's a good boy."

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