Yandere / Ruined Trip

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You couldn't stop yourself from bouncing up and down, waiting for Steven to get dressed.
They were finally letting you go grocery shopping with them and you were beyond excited.
Steven finally came out of his room as you jumped up.

"Are you ready?" You shouted making him laugh.

"Yes, baby. Let's go." He said as you grabbed his hand and practically dragged him out of the apartment.


You'd made it to the grocery store. And looked around in excitement.
You looked at some candy before Steven spoke.

"I just need to get something at the end of the isle, love." Steven said as you nodded and continued picking out candy.

"I don't think you need those." You heard an old lady say as you looked behind you to see her looking at you.

"I'm sorry." You whispered, your hands begining to shake.

"You could be very beautiful if you lost some of that weight." She said as you backed away and bumped into the candy behind you.

"What the fuck did you just say?" You heard Jake growled as you looked up to see him glaring at the old woman.

"You can't honestly say you wouldn't rather a wife that had a better body." She said as you saw Jake reached for his pocket knife.
You quickly lunged forward and grabbed his arm.

"Jake, let's go." You whispered as he grumbled and left the knife alone.

"I hope you have a heart attack." Jake growled before he grabbed your hand and dragged you away.
He was too angry to continue shopping.
You were a bit sad that it got cut short so quickly.
You intertwined your fingers with Jake as you walked home.

"Why did you stop me?" Jake asked as you looked up at him.

"I don't want you to be arrested, I couldn't do anything without you." You whispered as Jake stopped and faced you.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and smiled.

"Can we go home and cuddle?" You asked making him chuckle.

"Let's go."


You got home with Jake and you tangled your limbs with his, cuddling into his chest.

"Maybe we can just order our groceries online." You said making him chuckle.

"Perfect idea, mi amor."

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