Yandere / Brand New Little Avatar

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They weren't home, this was the perfect time.
You laid the gold and the bones in the middle of the circle you'd made with sand.
This was the only way you could talk to him without Marc or the others knowing.
You opened the book and looked down at the words you needed to recite, this was the only way.
You began reciting the words, perfectly because you'd practised it so many times, over and over.
Smoke began to fill the room as you kept going.
Eventually the god you wanted to see appeared in front of you.

"Who dares to..." He shouted before his eyes fell onto you.

"The runt." He muttered as you starred at him.

"Khonshu, it's time to strike a deal." You replied making the old bird chuckle dryly.

"And what kind of deal would you have to offer me?" He mumbled as you stood up and looked at him.

"I know you're growing tired of Marc, Jake and Steven, they're not ruthless. They won't do your bidding or even kill for you anymore. I have the perfect avatar that would kill for you until the end of time." You said as he slowly came towards you.

"And who might that be?" He asked, you didn't move or flinch.

"Me." You replied simply as he began to laugh.

"And why would I want a runt like you, you're just Marc's pet." He growled.

"Because I want revenge against them, I've been locked away so long that I want revenge on them and anyone else that's ever wronged me. I want to serve you. You get an obedient avatar and I get to spill blood." You replied in a stern voice as Khonshu hummed lowly.

"Make the right decision, old bird." You whispered at his face as he chuckled.

"Welcome aboard, little Avatar."

Marc came home, he entered into the living space and saw you sitting on a chair in the dark.

"Baby? Everything okay?" He asked as you continued to stare at him.

"It's been 1195 days since you brought me here. I gave up escaping after day 37, I think I gave up on everything after day 100. But, I was doing some thinking and I realise that you're worth nothing, to me and to my newest ally." You muttered, slowly standing up as Marc looked at you in shock.
Smoke formed and Marc looked up to see Khonshu.

"Sorry, Marc. Your little pet is willing to offer me much more than you ever could." Khonshu said as Marc looked at him with utter betrayal.

"What!?" He shouted, he was about to charge at you before your new and improved suit formed and you threw him backwards.

"Three fucking years, Marc!" You screamed as you stomped towards him.

"Three fucking years you hurt me, made me feel like I was worthless, kidnapped me, beat me, manipulated me. Well, it's time you pay for your fucking crimes." You shouted at him before you stood on his chest.

"Are they here?" You growled as he looked up at you.

"He's tricking you, baby. Come back to me." He said before you summoned a moon dark and swiped it at his cheek.

"Are they here!" You screamed as he nodded.

"Good, I want all of you to fucking watch." You growled before you began to punch Marc.

"I fucking hate you all!" Your screamed throwing him against the wall.

"I gave you everything! I loved you!" He shouted back as you began to laugh.

"Loved me? Loved me!" You screamed before you threw a moon dart at him, causing it to pierce his shoulder.

"You fucking abused me!" You continued before you grabbed him by the throat.

"I could kill you, but that would be mercy. So, instead the punishment will fit the crime." You whispered in his face.

"Khonshu?" You asked as smoke surrounded the both of you.
Marc looked around and saw he was inside the pyramid once more.

"This ritual is only meant to imprison gods, but I'm sure it will work on you. And, if not. You'll just turn to dust." You whispered before backing away.

"No! Do not fucking do this, Y/N! You'll fucking regret this!" He threatened as you chuckled.

"I really don't think I will, Moon Knight."

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