Moon Knight - Too Old For This

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You sat in a cell, it was pitch black inside and the air smelt stale and damp.
You subconsciously ran your thumb up and down the ugly large scar that ran up your left arm, their was an identical one on your right arm.
Light began to stream into the room as you groaned and closed your eyes.

"Why the fuck did you have to make it so fucking dark?" You growled looking up to see the same man from before. Arthur Harrow.

"You're very much like your father." He said as you glared at him.

"You just have a bit of learning to do." He said as you went to lunge at him but the chains around your wrists stopped you.

"Y/N, I'm not your enemy. I want to help you." He said as you panted and glared at him.

"You became my enemy the moment you chained me up like a dog and compared me to my father." You growled as he sighed and knelt down to you.

"I know you had a rough time with your father, you didn't agree with his ways." He said as you chuckled dryly.

"Forgive me for not agreeing with a rapist and murderer." You growled as Arthur looked at you softly.

"When I awaken him, I'm sure he'll be glad to see you." He said as you glared at him before head butting him making the guards point their guns at you.
He signalled for them to lower their weapons.

"Go to hell." You growled spitting on his shoes.

"You need some time." He said before leaving you alone in the pitch black dark once more.


"Look Marc, I don't know what you're bloody expecting to find down here. Probably just some creepy sex dungeon." You heard a voice say as you woke from your light slumber.

"Hello?" You called out with your hoarse voice.
It went silent for a moment before the door opened and you covered your eyes again.

"Oh bullocks. Alright, I didn't expect this." A Bristish voice said as you groaned and looked up to see a man in a white suit.

"What am I looking at?" You grumbled as he came closer.

"Oh well, I'm Steven. Unfortunate Avatar of Khonshu." He said as you sighed.

"Khonshu, damn. You're not the usual one he would go for." You muttered as he knelt down to you.

"Well, there's three of us. He went for Marc and got us two as a bonus." He muttered looking at the chains.
He wasn't really making any sense.

"So, can I ask why you're in a cell in the dungeon of Arthur's creepy cult?" He asked hesitating to free you.

"I'm the daughter of a God, Arthur wants to free said God so he wants me." You replied as he nodded.

"Which God?" He asked as you looked into his masked face.

"Set." You replied as his eyes widened.

"You're the daughter of Set?! That's incredible! I've read about you!" He said excitedly making you chuckle.

"Glad to meet a fan." You said making him laugh as well.

"I thought you and your father fought side by side, wouldn't you want to free him?" He asked as your eyes fell down cast.

"I did fight beside him, but not as an equal. I was just a slave to him, the books don't add the parts to say that he's evil and abusive." You replied making him nod.

"We can definitely sympathise with that." He said making you smile sadly.

"I need you to help free me, I have to stop Arthur from freeing him. The last time my father was free he set a curse on the world, he made the darkest parts of every being come to the surface. Everyone began killing each other, it was horrid." You explained as he nodded, he was about to undo the chains when his outfit changed.

"That's new, I'm guessing you're Marc?" You asked as he stared at you.

"How do we know this isn't just a ruse set up by Harrow?" He grumbled as you chuckled, you could see why he was the one Khonshu chose.

"I guess you just have to trust me, there's not much I can do to prove to you that I'm innocent." You said as he nodded.

"Fine, but I'll keep a close eye on you." He grumbled undoing the chains as you sighed and rubbed your sore wrists.

"Thank you, Marc and Steven and whoever the other one is." You said before standing up and stretching your legs.

"God I fucking hate Arthur. He's a cunt." You muttered making him look at you in shock.

"Get to my age and you'll use that word a lot more." You said cracking your back before walking out of the cell.

"So, what's your plan?" He asked, following you out as you walked up the stairs.

"I'm gonna fucking murder Harrow." You said before he grabbed your wrist.

"It's not that easy, trust me." He said as you glared at him.

"Well I sure as hell am not letting him release my father! I don't ever ever want to see him, I'm the one that put him in an eternal sleep. What the hell do you think he'll do to me when he awakens!?" You shouted as him as he looked at you sadly.
He saw a bit of himself in you.

"I understand you're scared Y/N. I can see how badly he treated you and the mental and physical scars he left. We understand, believe me. We can help each other out." He said as you took a deep breath and nodded.

"Let's fucking murder a cult leader." You said holding your hand out for Marc to shake.
He chuckled and shook your hand.

"Let's go."

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