Pieces / Moon System

845 21 3

(seperate bodies)
"Steven, what the hell is this?" Marc growled as Steven looked down at your sleeping form.

"Marc, I couldn't leave her. You should've seen how I found her." Steven whispered as he looked at Marc who sighed.

"It was a simple mission from Khonshu." Marc said before Steven sat beside your bed leaving Marc standing.

"I know, but we were ambushed. I thought the guy wouldn't be there, but he was. Then I ran into this terrifying room and she was strapped to the table, covered in blood. And..." Steven whispered as he pulled the sheet back to reveal your right arm was missing.

"I could see the saw beside the bed she was in, and...the arm on the floor." Steven muttered as Marc went quiet.

"Fucking hell." They heard a voice say as they looked behind to see Jake.

"Maybe we could get some tips from the winter soldier." Jake said as Steven glared at him.

"Jake, now isn't the time for jokes." Steven said as Jake sighed.

"Sorry, amor." He muttered as they heard you groan softly.

"I thought we were a monster. Surgically removing someone's arm without consent is a whole new level." Jake muttered as he watched your pale face.

"Just give her space when she wakes up." Steven said as they nodded.

"Father." You whispered as Steven looked at you sadly.

"Shh, you're okay." Steven whispered as he cautiously reached forward and ran his hand through your hair.
He could see you writhing around, not used to relying on one arm.
Suddenly your eyes shot open and you screamed, sitting up as you cried out.

"It's okay!" Steven shouted as you stopped and looked at him.

"Where am I?" You whispered before you looked down at your missing limb.

"Oh god, I forgot." You whispered as you began to cry.

"Where is he? Did I...is he happy?" You whispered looking at all of them.
They didn't know what to say, Marc could see how terribly broken you were. Mentally and physically.

"The man that did this to you isn't here." Marc said as you looked up at him.

"Do you work for him?" You whispered as Marc shook his head.

"No, Steven found you when he was on a mission." Marc said as you looked at Steven.

"Mission?" You muttered looking at them in confusion.

"It's hard to explain." Jake replied as you wrapped your arm around yourself.

"Where's my father?" You whispered as they looked at you.

"Was your father the one that cut off your arm?" Marc asked, terrified of the answer.

"Yeah." You whispered as they looked at you with a mixture of shock and sadness.

"Well, he's not alive anymore." Steven whispered as you looked up at him.

"He's gone?" You whispered feeling your bandaged wound where your arm used to sit.

"He won't be able to hurt you anymore." Marc whispered as you chewed your lip while thinking.

"I'm scared." You whispered, closing your eyes.

"I know, I can't imagine how terrifying all of this must be." Steven whispered as you slowly opened your eyes to look at him.

"When I saw you there... I just knew I couldn't leave you." He continued making you smile a little.

"Would I be able to have some food?" You asked not looking at the as they smiled a little.

"Of course, you can completely raid our pantry if you want." Marc said making you giggled quietly.
They led you out to the kitchen, noticing you were still clutching you wound.
Steven opened the pantry up to reveal a variety of packaged foods.

"I can choose anything?" You whispered to Steven who smiled softly and nodded.

"Anything you'd like, love." He said as you tried to contain your excitement.
It made Steven feel warm inside, seeing how happy you were but it also caused him sadness, knowing that such a simple thing like a choice of food was foreign to you.
The boys all sat down at the table and waited for you to choose food, they wanted to do their best to not overcrowd you.

"So, what's the plan here?" Jake asked as Steven sighed.

"I don't know, surely she can stay with us. Look at her, I can't imagine what that monster did to her." Steven said as they watched you pile food under your arm.

"She's probably never even known the meaning of family or even friends. Maybe we could help her out a bit, let her stay here until we can help her get on her own feet." Marc suggested before you came over and gently placed everything onto the table.

"Sorry, I went a bit crazy." You muttered, suddenly realising how greedy you'd been.

"If anything you don't have enough there." Jake said before he got up and grabbed more food out of the pantry and placed it on the table, making you smile.

"There, that's much better." He said as you smiled with excitement.
They all talked with each other while you tried everything you could.
They all had only just met you, but there was something about seeing you excited and happy that made them happy as well.
Once you were satisfied with what you had eaten you sat back in your chair.

"Where are you going to take me?" You muttered, not looking up at them.

"Well, we were thinking about that. We can set up a bed for you in the office and you could have your own little room for the moment. And than maybe we could help you get a job or whatever you'd like to do." Steven said as you nodded a little, he could see panic in your eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked as you crossed your arm over your body again.

"Please don't send me away to work." You whispered as they looked at you sadly.
Jake was the first to speak up.

"Sweetheart, we aren't sending you anywhere. We are just laying out a few options. We're going to help as much as we can, okay?" Jake said as you took a deep breath and nodded.

"You wouldn't happen to know where to get a prosthetic arm, would you?" You asked making them chuckle.

"Look, I'm sure I could find one...or steal one." Marc said making you laugh softly.

"We'll help you through this, love."

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