Routine / Yandere

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It was all getting too much, not knowing what would happen, not knowing what you would have for breakfast the next day, not knowing where everything was, being unfamiliar in a new environment.

"Love, don't chew your nails." Steven said as you shook yourself out of your thoughts and looked beside at him.

"S-Sorry." You muttered as he looked at you with worry.

"Everything okay?" He questioned as you began to scratch at your arm.
He noticed when you were overwhelmed you would either chew your nails or scratch at your arms.

"C-Can I clean the apartment up a bit?" You asked as he looked at you in confusion.

"Yeah, you can do that, love." He said before you nodded and quickly stood up.
Steven settled himself on the couch as he watched you busy yourself around the room.
He could see how you completely lost yourself in cleaning, honestly he didn't mind.
Their apartment was a mess.

Marc had been out grocery shopping when he came home to see you scattering around the apartment, he could tell you were panicking.
He quickly put the bags down and rushed over to you.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Marc asked as you groaned and turned every pillow upside down.

"I can't find find my earphones, I put them in my drawer but they aren't there!" You shouted as you began to cry and grip at your hair.

"Sweetie, calm down." Marc said as you screamed and pushed him.
Making him fall over.

"No! No I can't calm down! Where are they!" Your screamed as Marc looked at you in shock.

"I'm so fucking stupid." You growled as you fell to your knees and began hitting your hands against your head.
Marc rushed towards you and gripped your wrists.

"Baby, it's okay. Look at me." Marc said as you hiccuped and looked up at him.

"Nice deep breaths, love. I can help you look for it, okay? Can you tell me what caused all of this?" Marc asked as you calmed your breathing.

"Being here, it's too much." You whispered through your tears as Marc looked at you in confusion.

"Nothing is right, I can't do what I usually do. Your apartment is a mess, and I can't have my usual cereal or favourite candies. There's no noise in your apartment so I can always hear everything else, like the curtains tapping or water dripping." You said in a rush as Marc nodded.

"Okay, baby. We can work that out." Marc said as you nodded.

"I-I have OCD." You whispered, looking away from Marc.

"Oh, I had no idea. But, it's okay, baby girl. You can just let us know what will help you, and make you feel comfortable. How about I look for your earphones and you make a list of anything you need to help feel more comfortable, okay?" Marc suggested as you nodded and wiped away your tears.

"Okay, I can do that." You whispered making Marc smile.

"Good girl."

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