JakeSteven - Protect You

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Steven and Marc had finally gotten to know Jake more.
Well, Steven did and Marc did his best to tolerate him.
Steven walked along the streets of London talking to Jake as he did so.
Marc was resting and he did trust Jake to protect Steven.
Ever since Steven and Jake had gotten to know each other the gloved mercenary was a lot more protective and possesive of Steven.
He watched Steven walk along the streets talk about his day, even though Jake was their the whole day.
But he didn't mind, he loved listening to Steven.

"Did you have a good day?" Steven questioned looking at his reflection where Jake walked beside him and smiled.

"I did mi amor, any day spent with you is a good day." Jake said making Steven chuckle lightly.
He didn't mind Jake's flirting.
Suddenly Steven was grabbed and dragged down an alley way as he went to scream but they covered his mouth.
They pushed him onto the ground as he looked up in fear.

"Please, just leave now. No one needs to get hurt, he'll hurt you." Steven said crawling away as the three people chuckled.

"What's a little crazy bitch like you going to do to us?" One growled as Steven looked across at a reflection he saw.

"Jake, help." He whispered, that was the only approval Jake needed.
Steven switched out with Jake.
He got you off the floor and dusted himself off.

"I'd like to show you what happens to people who touch what's mine." Jake growled as he smirked.
He made sure to block Steven out while he did so, he wouldn't let Steven see anything like that.
When he awoke again he was a relfection, he saw Jake walking along the streets covered in blood. 

"It's sorted mi amor." Jake whispered wiping the blood from his hands.
Jake finally made it back to their apartment and looked into the mirror to see Steven.

"Look at me." Jake whispered softly as Steven looked into his eyes.

"We're safe, I've got you. They won't ever hurt you again." Jake whispered as Steven nodded.

"Why don't we watch something you enjoy mi amor? You can watch a documentary and I can ask one thousand questions." Jake said making Steven chuckle and nod.

"Yes please."

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