{Eddies POV}

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Is she staring at me? I think to myself as I keep my eyes fixed on the horror movie playing on the small TV of her bedroom. I've got one arm wrapped around her, playing with her soft hair, how does she get it so soft? I'm gonna steal whatever shampoo she uses. And it smells so good too, like strawberries or raspberries, some sorta sweet fruit. A little different to the non branded shit Wayne buys from the dollar store for my hair. I need to up my game.

I'm sure she's staring at me, but I don't mind. If it wouldn't make it awkward, I'd stare right back at her, study every line and every curve of her face, etching it onto my brain so I never forget it. Those sparkling eyes, the tiny little cute button nose, her plump, pink, almost doll like lips. She's the picture of perfection, she should be on the cover of every model mag.

I can't believe I've been missing out on nights like these in the passed few months that I've been an asshole and pushed her away. Being here, cuddled up close to Y/N beats any amount of pot and beer, hands down. It actually feels pretty good to be sober right now, it's been a while since I feel asleep naturally without the haze of weed circulating my bloodstream. I couldn't be more content right now, having my girl tucked up close to my chest, nothing comes close to this feeling. If only she knew how much she means to me. My heart literally feels like it could fucking burst right now.

I can't believe the way I've treated her recently, I'm so glad and also grateful that she feels like she can forgive me for pushing her away. What a fool I was, to think I could live without her in my life. She's everything to me. But I suppose that's why I pushed her away in the first place, she's too good for me and I know that. I doubt she has the same feelings for me that I do for her. I've never told her about my true feelings for her, I fear the gut wrenching disappointment of her telling me she sees me as nothing more than a friend. The night I kissed her, I thought about telling her, I wanted to scream it from the rooftops, but my self doubt got in the way so instead I just left her house that night and never spoke of it again, like a coward.

Anyway, I'm not gonna get inside my own head and ruin this moment right here. She's snoring now, really fucking loud. I'm actually having to try not laugh out loud, such a pretty lil thing but she snores like a fucking congested walrus.

I drift off to dream land, with my dream girl wrapped in my arms, her face buried into my chest, I don't think life gets much better than this. It's the first night in a long time that I've fallen asleep sober and stayed fast asleep all night without waking up at all sorts of ungodly hours. She's like my own personal comforter, she's my person. I'm sure she's my soul mate, I'm so fucking sure of it and I don't believe in any of that mushy shit but if it's true, then Y/N is mine. But I'll never tell her this, I don't wanna scare her off. I'm just gonna live everyday trying to be the bestest friend to her, I dunno, maybe one day, she'll start to feel the same type of way for me...

There's a light tapping on the bedroom door that wakes me in the morning, I rub my eyes and glance down at Y/N, she's still sound asleep but at least the snoring has stopped. She looks beautiful, even with eyeliner smudged all down the side of her face and... oh for fuck sake, it's smudged all over my t-shirt, I loved this t-shirt! I quietly and gently remove her arms from me and pull the covers up over her, tucking her in lightly trying not to wake her as I creep to the bedroom door. I open it slowly and Wayne is at the other side of the door, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Come on kid, we best get off home now, we must've both fallen asleep. Meet you at the van." Wayne whispers as he makes his way back down the hallway towards the stairs.

I don't wanna leave, wish I could just crawl back underneath the warmth of her bed sheets and cuddle her all day. Breath in her sweet scent, stare into her dreamy eyes, stroke her smooth glossy hair..

I'll see her at school, I think to myself, as I snap out of my daydreams of her. I quickly tear a page out of a notebook sitting on her desk and scribble her a quick note. I place it sitting beside her alarm clock where I know she will see it when she wakes. I lift up my shoes from beside the sofa and I creep silently out of her bedroom and make my way downstairs. The smell of pancakes filling the air, oh wow, I've really, really missed this wonderful fucking home. Y/Ns mom is the best, she's got 2 plates stacked high with chocolate chip pancakes and 2 large mugs of coffee sitting waiting at the breakfast bar for me and Wayne.

We both scoff them in about 0.5 seconds. That really does beat a cigarette and pop tart for breakfast, I have to say. We thank Y/M/N for our breakfast before heading out the front door towards my van. I'm sure the noise of this rust bucket starting up will wake up the whole street, but hopefully it doesn't disturb Y/Ns snooze. I glance up towards her bedroom window before backing up out of her driveway.

I sing at the top of my voice the whole ride home, Wayne just shakes his head laughing at me, but I can't contain my giddiness, I feel on top of the world. There are butterflies doing a jig in my stomach but they're the good kind, I'm not nervous or anything I am just so fucking happy and I'm excited to get back on track with Y/N, back to how things used to be and were always meant to be.

Bad Habit - {Eddie Munson x y/n}Where stories live. Discover now