Real Life Rockstars

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You were so glad when Eddie started to feel better by the time the weekend rolled around. Although, if he hadn't of had an obvious fever, you wouldn't have been so convinced that he was actually unwell at all, considering he had the energy for some 'activities' with you in the shower and then further 'activities' in bed that same night. You're just thankful he didn't pass his bug onto you, despite definitely sharing some saliva and other bodily fluids that day.

Fridays gig at The Hideout went great as usual, with a steady flow of the usual regulars along with some of the bands newest fans who attend every week now. But today is the big day, the one gig that really matters if they want to make this band a real success in terms of a career choice. They guys are spending the whole day at the club setting up, running over the setlist repeatedly and ensuring everything is prepared and perfected to a T. You know they'll do great, they know it too, but there's just that added bit of pressure knowing someone who could potentially change their lives drastically will be judging their performance.

You and Chrissy popped into the bar around lunchtime to make sure the guys were all well fed and hydrated, they'd need all the energy they could get to be at their peak tonight.
"Sounds insane guys, you're gonna rock it." Matt tells them as he polishes some glasses behind the bar, while other staff members rush around to get the tables moved for the crowds their expecting on the floor tonight.
"Thanks dude, bit fucking nervous to be honest." Eddie chuckles through the mic.
"Yous have nothing to be nervous about, you're gonna be just perfect." You encourage him from your seat at a table just below the stage.
"Thank you baby, you're my number one fan." He smiles, crouching at the front of the stage and leaning down to capture your lips in a soft kiss.
"Riiiiight, get a room." Jeff laughs, striking his bass guitar once to get your attention. You and Eddie both laugh, his minty breath fans across your face.

"Well, we need to get out of here and make ourselves look pretty for tonight." Chrissy says as she gathers up the empty Tupperware boxes you brought the lunch items in.
"You already look pretty." Gareth tells her as he steps off stage, drumsticks still in hand, he kisses her cheek sweetly, she blushes.
"Sexy, is what I think she means." You wink at her and now Gareth blushes too, this makes you laugh. Eddie snakes an arm around your waist and places a hand onto your ass cheek, pinching it tightly.
"You always look sexy sweetheart, that's for sure." He tells you before ducking his head into the crook of your neck and kissing right below your earlobe, sending an electrical current right through you.

"Right we really gotta go," Chrissy says, "before these two end up giving us a real show." She laughs and Gareth bursts into laughter too.
"Ohhh, we'd give you a show alright." Eddie says winking and raising his brows up and down in quick succession before wrapping both of his arms around you, two hands gripped firmly on your ass, as he pulls you into his arms and you wrap your legs around his waist. He kisses you deeply, then sloppily places wet kisses all over your face and exposed neck making you squeal.

"Okay okay, they get the point!" You giggle, "put me down!" You tell him and he drops you softly onto your own two feet again, with his arms still wrapped around you in a tight hug.
"Miss you already babe, see you later." He tells you.
"I love you Ed." You say.
"Love you more." He replies
"Alright well, bye guys, good luck! You'll fucking smash it, as always!" You tell the group as you wave good bye and make your way out to the parking lot with Chrissy.

"I really don't know what to wear..." You complain as you rummage through your wardrobe.
"You do know the scout isn't coming to judge your outfit right, he's coming to watch the band?" Chrissy giggles as she pulls her black tights onto her slim, pale legs.
"Ugh, obviously," You giggle, "but I wanna make a good impression!" You turn to her and say.
"You'll look hot in literally anything you wear, you always do!" She laughs.
"You're a doll." You chuckle and pull out what you think may make a nice outfit. You hold it up to show Chrissy, awaiting her approval.
"Oooo, could be the one." She says with a grin and waits for you to try the outfit on.

Bad Habit - {Eddie Munson x y/n}Where stories live. Discover now