Come To Me

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A/N - it's a long & bumpy ride guys- so buckle up!

As soon as you step back into your quiet apartment, you dump your bag and kick off your shoes, leaving them in a messy heap by the front door. You tip toe along the cold, hardwood floors of the hallway towards your kitchen where you decide to pour yourself an alcoholic drink in attempt to lift your spirits before the night ahead. You grab a tall glass, adding a nice measure of gin from a bottle your mom had given you as a house warming gift, telling you to 'drink it responsibly', you top it off with some tonic. You reach into the freezer, pushing the tub of ice cream that's been calling your name all day to the side, in favour of a handful of crushed ice. You drop it into the glass with a 'clunk' and then a satisfying 'fizz'.

You make your way into your bedroom with drink in hand. Teddie The Bear looks comfortable and right at home upon your soft bedsheets.
"Hello, mister Ted." You smile at him fondly, sipping your drink slowly while peering over the glass at him, "yep, we really are doing this, talking to a goddamn bear." You huff a laugh into your drink as you press it to your lips for another sip, savouring the strong flavour before swallowing the cool, carbonated liquid in hopes it'll begin to work its magic on you soon.

But before you can give Teddie another snuggle and smother yourself in the comforting scent of the tee that adorns his fluffy body, the phone rings. You take your drink with you, the condensation on the outer of the glass wets your hand, you switch it to your left hand and wipe your right one dry on your pants before grabbing the phone and holding it to your ear with a,

"Hey, there you are." His soothing voice greets you, sounding relieved that you have answered the phone this time.
"Oh hey," you say, clearing your throat and straightening yourself up by the phone.
"Haven't heard from you in a couple days, I called but.." Eddie trails off.
"Yeah sorry, been so busy with college and whatnot." You excuse yourself, feeling an instant pang of guilt that you've missed his calls and not bothered to return them.
"It's okay, no worries." He tells you, but there is definitely worry in his voice as he says it.

"Although I almost never made it to class this morning," you begin telling him.
"Oh, how come?" He says and you can hear him shuffling, no doubt settling himself into a comfortable position with the phone against his ear.
"Well, a certain fluffy bear propped against the door nearly caused me to break an ankle," you let out a small laugh, taking a quick swig of your drink again to wet your suddenly dry mouth.
"Oh shit," Eddie laughs dryly, "sorry, he wasn't meant to cause you an accident."
"It's alright, I gathered myself." You reassure him.

"So, did you get his note?" He asks you softly.
"I did, and yes I'll take good care of him. He's currently swinging from the light fixtures and being a real pain in my ass, so he'll be in the naughty corner soon." You humour him and he laughs; how you adore the sound.
"Goddamn him, I told him to be on his best behaviour!" Eddie carries on the joke, "little shit even stole my favourite tee, did you notice?" He asks you, what a stupid question, how could you not notice.

"Yep, didn't he even bother to wash it before stealing it? It stinks to high heavens of the previous owner." You joke with him, clearly some of Robins witty banter has rubbed off on you today.
"You can always strip it off him and wash it." Eddie laughs nervously, is he really worried that you're being serious about the t-shirt smelling badly?
"No no," you break through the humour for a moment to correct him, "it doesn't smell bad, smells good actually, just like you." You tell him and there's a short pause on the line.

"Oh, okay," he chuckles to himself quietly, realising you were just kidding with him, "did you get the other things too?" He asks you.
"Yes I got the flowers, thank you by the way, they're so beautiful. I've placed them in our living room," you tell him, "and the cookie was just too cute to destroy, so I've not even eaten a bite." You laugh, looking over at the red roses packed into the only vase you own.
"Good," he says quietly, "that's good, I'm glad you like them, uhm anyway," he continues, "I was just calling to say I've got a day off tomorrow and I don't have anything planned with the guys, I was wondering if you're maybe willing to see me?" He asks you, his voice quiet, almost shy.

Bad Habit - {Eddie Munson x y/n}Where stories live. Discover now