That's What Best Friends Are For

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You and Chrissy are digging through racks upon racks of dresses that the clothing store have to offer. Jenny and Wayne have set the date of their wedding and it's only a week away, they're getting married in the rustic barn Jenny had wished for on a Saturday afternoon. Corroded Coffin have had to cancel their gig at The Red Door that night as they're all invited along to the wedding, of course. Luckily Matt, the owner of the bar, doesn't mind and was able to find a temporary replacement for that night only, the guys will be back on stage next weekend as normal.

Chrissy is also going to the wedding as Gareth's plus one, so she is shopping for a new outfit for herself as well as a shirt for Gareth. Much like Eddie, Gareth only really owns band tees and worn out tank tops that he's had in the closet for years, the one dress shirt he does own doesn't fit him anymore, he swears it must've shrunk it the wash and that he hasn't put on any weight.
"I want" Chrissy tells you as she moves across the shop to where all the pastel coloured dresses are on display. "I'm guessing you'll want black?" She laughs.
"No actually, I was thinking blue!" You tell her.
"Ooooh, I like blue." She replies as she begins searching for the perfect pink outfit.
"Blue is Eddie's favourite colour." You say with a smile. "Apart from black, obviously." You laugh.
"Oh, so you're dressing to impress your man." Chrissy winks at you and giggles.
"Always." You agree with her.

You have no such luck in the first two stores that you practically ransack; pulling out almost every single dress on the rails and not liking a single one. You decide it's time to stop for a bite to eat before the search continues. You go upstairs to the food mall at StarCourt.
"Burger, burger or... burger?" Chrissy laughs as she spins on her heels, looking to see if there are any restaurant options that don't just serve burgers.
"Suppose a burger will do." You laugh and link your arm in hers, heading into the burger joint that is closest to you. The server greets you at the door and leads off to a table near the back of the restaurant. You slip into the red leather booth, facing Chrissy.

You both order burgers and shakes, your stomach rumbles as you wait for your food to arrive, you hadn't realised how hungry you really were until you sat down.
"So how's things going with you and Gareth?" You ask her, her lips instantly turn into a smile, there's a sparkle in her eye just at the mention of his name.
"Things are going great, no complaints." She replies.
"That's good! Do you know what they're up to today? Eddie said he was heading over the Gareth's place." You say just as the server comes along with your food, placing it down in front of you and Chrissy. You waste no time at all and get stuck right in.
"Practising some new songs I think." Chrissy tells you before sipping on her vanilla shake.
"I should've guessed!" You laugh.
"Then I think Dustin, Lucas and Mike are heading over for a game of DnD or something." She tells you.
"Wow, they've got a busy day planned then." You reply.
"Keeping their minds occupied so they don't miss us too much, obviously." Chrissy giggles as she pops a fry into her mouth.
"That's true." You laugh.

You chat over your lunch, telling her all about your experience at the hospital with Jenny.
"So I think my mind is pretty set, I wanna be Nurse Y/N someday." You smile and then sip your shake.
"That's great Y/N, good for you!" Chrissy grins widely across the table, "I can totally imagine that for you!" She tells you.
"Yeah, I can picture myself as a nurse too," you smile, "I've just got to pass all the classes I need first." You shrug.
"You know you'll do just fine, you've got a big brain." Chrissy giggles.
"Uh, thanks I guess?" You laugh.

"How about you, have you decided yet?" You ask her before taking a bite of your burger.
"I want to teach pre school." Chrissy smiles.
"Yesss, you'd be fabulous for that job!" You tell her. It's true, she already gives off sweet pre school teacher vibes, like Miss Honey from Matilda, only a blondie.
"I love kids, I can't imagine anything better than teaching them all their little brains need to know but also getting to play and have fun with them all day too!" She grins.
"That sounds like the perfect job for you!" You beam across the table.

Bad Habit - {Eddie Munson x y/n}Where stories live. Discover now