To Be Continued

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A few weeks have passed of being Eddie's girlfriend and things are going amazingly, as you knew they would. Nothing much has changed really, he picks you up each morning for school, takes you back to either his place or yours after school, you hang out together almost every night unless there's DnD, band or cheer practice to go to. Your mom was ecstatic to say the least, when you told her that Eddie asked you to be his girlfriend but of course she already knew. She admitted that Wayne had told them the night of the gig as Eddie had had a conversation with his uncle about it beforehand. He had been looking for reassurance and advice on how to ask you, Wayne told him just to go for it as he knows how smitten you are for one another. Of course Gareth had also told Chrissy straight after Eddie had told him as well, he's not very good at keeping secrets. So basically the whole of Hawkins knew before you did.

The Corroded Coffin gigs are attracting more and more people to The Hideout every Friday, there have even been talks of the band playing on a Saturday night as well which means double the exposure and double the cash, which Eddie would really appreciate. He's stopped dealing drugs on the side as much as he had been before, he only deals weed to his long time regulars now, he doesn't deal with anyone new anymore so there is less risk involved for him. You and Chrissy always attend the gigs together and then go your separate ways afterwards, she usually goes to Gareth's place and you either go to Eddie's trailer or back to your place to spend the night together.

Things have been getting seriously heated under the sheets between you both, he's like a magnet and you just cannot refuse the pull he has on you. Nothing much new has gone on over the passed few weeks though, you have both managed to hold yourselves back to an extent. To be honest, you're not really sure what you're waiting for before going the whole way with him. You've been together for a while now, you've been officially boyfriend and girlfriend for over two weeks and you've never felt more comfortable or content in your life than you do now. You've been thinking about having sex with Eddie a lot recently, he makes it hard not to think about it, every time you look at him you just want to pounce. You've both agreed you don't want to rush it though, you want it to be special and perfect, you know you've got lots of time so don't see any point in doing it just for the sake of doing it, even though you're practically desperate by this point and you have a feeling he might be thinking the same.

It's Saturday morning, you wake up in your own bed with Eddie by your side, the same way you've woken every other Saturday and Sunday morning for weeks. You wouldn't change it for the world, waking up beside his handsome face puts you into an instant good mood for the rest of the day. You hate waking up without him on school mornings and practically rally through getting ready just so you can run out the front door to see him again. He's like a drug to you, an addiction you can't and don't want to shake. You wonder if this is what people call the 'honeymoon' period of a relationship; where you just can't get enough of one another and want to spend all your time with your partner. If that's the case, you and Eddie are definitely making the most of it and spending every minute you can together. You feel like there is nothing more you could possibly talk about with one another, it's like every topic has been discussed between the pair of you and yet you never run out of things to say. When the space between you does fall silent, you can comfortably sit together in hush and just enjoy each others company.

You love to wake up before Eddie so you can admire his angelic face. The way his bed head sticks up all over the place, splayed out on the pillow below his head. His long and dark eyelashes that any girl would be envious of, the way his pink, puffy lips jut out just ever so slightly into a pout when he's asleep and how his nostrils flare with each intake of breath as his chest rises and falls in a peaceful and steady rhythm. He's the definition of picture perfect in your eyes, you can't think of a single thing you'd change about him. Well, maybe how loudly and messily he eats his food but other than that, he's as close to perfection as one can be. But it's not only Eddie's appearance that makes him so magnetising, it's his unique personality. You've never met anyone that's so loud and bold yet so peaceful and kind. So clumsy and careless yet so gentle and comforting. Someone who really does, above all else, put you first. He's always thinking of you before himself; making sure you're fed, happy, warm, safe, entertained. Eddie brings you the sweetest little surprises sometimes, nothing ever extravagant, usually just a little candy bar that he picked up at the garage on his way to you, but the smile on your face when he hands you the gift each time makes it so worth the while for him.

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