{Eddies POV}

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I never thought I'd see the day that I, Eddie Munson, was attending a Hawkins High basketball game. But here I am, sitting slap bang in the middle of the rows of high school kids, prime view of the court. When the girls begged us to come and watch them cheer at the game, how could we refuse them. They came to watch us do our thing at the gig last Tuesday so here we are watching them do their thing now. I could think of better ways to spend my Thursday evening but anyway, I would do anything to support my Y/N.

I can't help but roll my eyes and scoff when Jason begins his fucking long ass speech about team work, team spirit or some other fucking bullshit. Acting like he's a good guy when he's really the biggest dick head in this hall right now.

But then I see her, there she is. Skipping out onto centre court as the basketball players move to the outskirts of the court to give the girls some space for their pre match performance. Fuuuuck, she looks good, I think to myself. Admittedly, I do prefer her in that black silk dress she wore to my gig, now that dress was fucking otherworldly. But I won't complain at the cute little cheer uniform neither, the way the skirt bounces and flips up slightly when she's dancing.

The girl can move, there is no denying that. I can't take my eyes off her, she's like a movie and I don't wanna stop watching. I can barely even hear the words the cheer squad are chanting as they shake their pom poms, arms and legs flailing around as they cartwheel around the floor and what not. But I barely hear a noise, I barely see the other 10 girls on that floor right now as Y/N is all I can focus on. Her hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail, green scrunchie holding it in place as she does some sort of crazy, insane flip and her cheer skirt flies up showing off the little green spanks that cover her ass. Peachy, I think to myself.

I have absolutely no doubt that I am pretty fucking pink in the face right now. She just does things to me, no matter what she is doing or wearing. Y/N has some serious hold over me, I think I'm obsessed. Especially after that sneaky little moment we shared backstage that night after the gig, it's all I've thought about since. How close we came to really breaking down that wall we've put up that is stopping us from becoming more than friends. I can't deny that I want to knock that wall down, hell I wanna be a wrecking ball, shattering it to pieces.

When her cheer performance is over, her and Chrissy are linked arms and looking out into the crowd, their faces beaming with huge grins as they catch sight of me and Gareth in the crowd. I promised her that I would come and I didn't break that promise, of course Gareth was gonna come with me, he would do anything for Chrissy, especially after their kiss which he hasn't stopped talking about since it happened.

They both throw their hands in the air, waving their pom poms at us, we both wave back at them and I can't help but grin at how happy they both look that we came. I also can't help but laugh at how furious Jason looks when he comes back on court and sees that both Y/N and Chrissy have come over to the supposed 'dark side', I want to let out a devilish laugh but I manage to compose myself and just throw him a smirk.

The basketball game has started now, me and Gareth don't care to watch it much although we do briefly watch whenever Lucas gets the ball. He is half jock and half one of us, he's in the Hellfire Club and he's a good kid. I even find myself shouting and cheering him on a couple times which earns me some strange stares from those around me, I couldn't care less.
"Yeah Lucas, get em boy!!" I shout at the top of my lungs, throwing a ring clad first into the air. He's concentrating on the game too much to notice that I'm even there. I've not a fucking clue what's going on down there on the court, but when Lucas jumps into the air, dunking the ball into the hoop I know that's probably a good thing as the entire hall breaks into cheers and screams. Me and Gareth join them, cheering only for Lucas, not the other douchebags on the team.

I am pretty glad when the game is over, give me DnD over basketball any day. But it was nice to support Lucas for once. At the end of the game the girls are doing another cheer performance so the crowd waits for the boys to clear off and the girls to take the stage again. Much like it was earlier; arms, legs, kicking, swinging, rolling around, shaking, jumping, you name it those girls were doing it. It's coming to the end of their song and they're now doing what I know is called a 'pyramid' in cheerleading terms.

Then up comes Y/N, right at the very top of the pyramid, like really fucking high up in the air, there's not even like a mattress to catch her if she falls so my heart is in my mouth, fearing for her goddamn life up there on the top. She kicks one leg up straight to her head, holding it in place with one hand, the person below her is now holding her up straight by just one foot, one fucking foot. Y/N doesn't look scared in the slightest, she has this massive grin on her face. She takes her free hand, kisses it and blows it right at me in the crowd and then she winks at me. It might not be much to others, but it is to me. She's just shown every fucker in this room that she likes me. Eddie 'the freak' Munson might just get the girl after all. If only I could stop being a pussy and show her how much I like her.

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