[18] The Key Piece

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Chapter 18: The Key Piece

There were certain things that Hashirama learned in this world that he didn't know were possible in his first life. One such thing was familial love; that he learned from both his own and the family of others.

Vivi Nefertari returned home fine since Hashirama had healed all her wounds, and the doctor's check-up confirmed her fine health afterward.

Yet, her parents couldn't be any less worried.

Both the King and Queen of Alabasta were sitting on royal sofas in a meeting room, frowning as they stared at Hashirama sitting opposite them.

This royal couple looked very favorably upon Hashirama. Beyond the fact that they were indebted to him and his sister, he was also like a nephew to them— a nephew who they one day wished to see as their son-in-law— so they surely didn't mind him sitting on the same level as them.

The frown in their well-defined faces was for another reason entirely.

Rather, King Cobra and Titi Nefertari both looked extremely displeased as Hashirama explained the scene from when Vivi got hurt; how an unknown woman had dropped from the sky and crashed right on top of her.

Hashirama went a bit more in-depth with the explanation, though he lied quite a bit. Rather than saying one of his Wood Clones got killed, he just lied that the clone managed to defeat them easily. He trusted them, but there was no point in giving them all the minute details; less so, the ones that were somewhat gory.


After Hashirama finished his story, Titi was fuming. She tightly thinned her lips to hold herself back from cursing on the commoner's tongue.

"Such blasphemous acts...! I refuse to believe someone from our lovely kingdom did this. To me, it seems like someone hired a mercenary to assassinate the Princess."

Titi theorized as King Cobra nodded his head, starting to speak.

"Even though we have no animosity with any kingdom, it's unavoidable for people to target us when we are growing so well. The assassins must have been hired by one of the jealous kingdoms."

Both the King and the Queen seemed to believe that to be the case; that their daughter was attacked because of cold animosity between rival kingdoms. Only Hashirama knew the truth, but once again he didn't see the point in telling them the truth right away.

Being a Wood Clone, this Hashirama was not up-to-date with what the original one was up to, and therefore was unwilling to do anything that might cost him later on. Moreover, the truth would be revealed anyway after Sir Crocodile meets his demise.

"But, Hashirama,"

The Queen started speaking again, her frown melting away as a very gentle smile formed on her lips.

"Once again, thank you very much for looking after our daughter. She is a fool of her own who keeps getting into trouble, but sometimes dangers that she didn't wish to bring also lashes upon her. Thankfully, you are there to protect her... and I hope you will keep standing beside her until the end."

King Cobra gently put a hand over Titi to stop her from speaking any longer. Otherwise, he knew his wife would probably offer Vivi's hands in marriage right here.

"In any case," King Cobra cleared his throat. "I as well thank you for what you did today. However, I think you should take some rest now than to waste time with us old folks. You must be tired after using your powers and fighting thugs, please go and take some rest."

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