Chapter 17

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When Jiang Lan got off work, he received a call from Chu Ji, who asked him to come out to play tomorrow.

Then Jiang Lan was in a daze for a long time without speaking.

Since his rebirth, he has put all his thoughts on Lu Xian. For Chu Ji and the others, he can't be ignored, but avoided. Lu Xian's previous ending was caused by everyone's pressure.

As for Lu Yan'an, it was already a matter of the previous life.

When Jiang Lan thought about it again, there was no wavering in his heart.

Why did you like Lu Yan'an in the first place? Jiang Lan thought again, it seemed that on a tired afternoon, when he went to a friend's gathering, he saw a young man sitting by the window, with eyebrows and eyes half or six similar to Lu Xian's, and his smile was pure and flawless.

At that time, Jiang Lan was still thinking, Lu Xian said he liked me, but he never smiled at me like this. Although they are brothers, they are completely different.

But Jiang Lan ignored that Lu Yan'an lived a life that was in stark contrast to Lu Xian's.

Hearing that Jiang Lan didn't speak, Chu Ji's heartstrings tightened a little bit. If possible, he didn't want to hurt the brotherhood with Jiang Lan because of love, but he really couldn't let go of Yan An.

"Are you... coming?" Chu Ji asked hesitantly.

Jiang Lan came back to his senses: "I'll ask Xiaoxian when I get home."

Now it's Chu Ji's turn to stop talking, Xiao Xian? Lu Xian? !

Chu Ji had a brainstorm for a while. Jiang Lan disappeared during this period of time and didn't come to any parties, but his business was booming. Chu Ji thought that he turned his loss into motivation, but the name "Xiao Xian" really caught people off guard. Jiang Lan was angry?

It's no wonder Chu Ji thinks so, the fact in his eyes is that Jiang Lan doesn't like Lu Xian.

"But Yan An is here." Chu Ji continued.

Jiang Lan understood the implication in an instant - Yan An was here, and if Lu Xian couldn't get along with him, he might cause trouble for Yan An, or forget it.

"Why, your Omega is here, so my Omega can't appear?" Jiang Lan's heart was burning with anger. Now he can't allow anyone to label or criticize Lu Xian, "Chu Ji, do you want to be more overbearing?"

Chu Ji was completely stunned.

"Why do you..." Chu Ji hesitated to speak.

"What do you want to say?" Jiang Lan said coldly: "Need I remind you? Xiao Xian and I are already married."

After a moment of confrontation, Chu Ji was the first to lose: "Sorry."

"Let's talk about it tonight." Jiang Lan didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so he hung up the phone directly.

Just now he was still sitting at the table motionless, not knowing who he was angry with, thinking what happened to my Omega? She smiles charmingly, doesn't talk about being wronged, can be happy for a long time with a hug, and Xue Tian has to rush out to retrieve a puppy.

Like water dripping into a pond, there was a "boom" and ripples appeared. Only then did Jiang Lan realize that he cared so much about Lu Xian's affairs.

Here, Lu Xian moved the green plants to the window sill. Seeing that he bought a lot, the boss also gave a plastic shower head, which smells very fragrant.

The puppy drank the milk and fell asleep again, and could still hear the snoring, Lu Xian liked the current life very much.

But deep down in his heart, he was still uneasy. If Jiang Lan wanted to take it back, he could do so at any time.

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