Stood up - Roman x Logan

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NO MORE EXAMS 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Trigger warning: heated make out, some smut(?)


Roman rested his chin on his palm, eyes focused on the dark outside world cut off by the window beside him. Time ticked by slowly as he waited and waited, every few minutes checking the time on his watch. He couldn't believe it, his date was an hour late! Roman thought it was going so well...

The waitress came over again, but Roman dismissed her politely, deciding to wait a little longer...he needed this. He didn't want to be alone anymore, at this point he was desperate, and if it meant waiting a few hours, he would.

Slowly sipping the cold water, he began to notice the sympathetic glances from others around him, making him feel worse. Crossing his arms, he leaned back on the plush red chair, gazing at the mahogany table he sat before, wondering if it would make his situation worse if he decided to eat alone. Take out was also an at home, drowning in tears as he watched Disney characters fall in love. He wanted that. He needed that.

While he quietly sipped his water, across the street from the oh-so fancy restaurant was a man sitting under the shelter of the bus stop, book in hand, but eyes trained on something else.

He wasn't there for too long, but quickly he realised the man sitting alone in that restaurant was stood up by whoever they were meant to be with. As anyone would, Logan felt bad for him, but something was also tugging at him to walk in and see if he was alright, even if it meant missing the only bus to take him home. He lived quite far away, and the walk home wasn't entirely safe.

Yet, the longer he stared - creepily, he would admit - he felt himself drawn to the man, and before he knew it his legs were moving on their own and he crossed the street, quickly entering the warm restaurant.

"Do you have a reservation, sir?" A man caught his attention, another ready to take his blazer, which he pulled tighter to his body as a hint that he wanted to keep it. Opening his mouth, Logan hesitated, eyes focused on the man sitting alone at the other end of the restaurant, looking like he was ready to leave.

"I'm with him" Logan responded, gesturing to the man in the white and red suit.

Following his hand, the man behind the wooden stand nodded, smiling gently. "I suppose you're not his date?" Logan shrugged loosely, dark eyes averting to the man who read Logan like a book. "If I say no, will you still let me in?" Chuckling, the man let it slide, Logan nodding graciously as he slipped inside, moving with a certain pace as he passed the tables full of strangers.

Roman was on his phone at this point, trying to call someone but Logan could tell whoever it was wasn't answering.

"Excuse me..." Logan drifted, catching his attention. He noticed Roman looking him up and down, the man slowly sitting up in his seat as he did. Smiling a little, Logan clapped his hands together behind his back, tilting his head ever so slightly. He wanted this to go well, but admittedly he's never been in a situation like this - or even close to this - and not being one for emotional-type things, he found himself to be pretty useless at this point, but he would try.

"I've noticed have seemed to be alone for quite some time, are you alright?" Logan spoke, jerking his eyebrow up a bit as he did. Roman smiled back politely, gesturing for the man to sit opposite, which Logan respectfully did.

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