Plagiarism - Virgil & Patton & Roman & Logan

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They're all uuuhhhhhhh younger kids in this OneShot

Like...year five? Which is grade four or something in America

They're nine so like - Logan's ten just because


Patton nervously walked down the hallway covered with children's art, eyes glued onto the dark green door at the end. The door connected to the art room, the art room his particular class worked in during their art lessons. Every single student in the school hated this art teacher, from how she treats kids, and how scary she is when she's mad. Patton didn't know why she got so angry over small things, but it always made him jittery when he had to go to her.

Luckily, it was lunch, so he wasn't late for her class or anything, he accidentally left his water bottle on his table, and needed to gather it before the end of the day. Knowing on Tuesdays she leaves before last lesson, Patton only had now to get it. His friends would've joined but the teachers wouldn't allow them inside unless they had a reason, like Patton. In the end, they shared hugs and whispers of 'good luck's before letting Patton go on his way.

Once his small frame stood before the door, he lifted his hand to knock, only then noticing the door was cracked open agar. He couldn't help but peer in, spotting the teacher holding a large piece of paper in her hands, eyes gazing over the work. Patton could see the work from where he stood, and he knew it to be his friend's work, Virgil's. He worked so hard on it, and for weeks, too, he hoped the teacher liked it!

"How can a nine year old create that?" Patton heard a voice he didn't recognise. Pushing the door open more, he caught a glimpse of someone he didn't recognise, but she was obviously friends with the teacher who shrugged and placed the art onto the table.

"Y'know, that could be your rebound art" the stranger commented, sipping her drink slowly. The teacher tilted her head in contemplation, glancing up at her friend mischievously. "No one would believe a child" the teacher added in, spitting the world 'child' like it was a curse.

"It's yours, then, just change it up a bit, improve it, add your name, boom. A kid won't care, all they are are whining babies until puberty hits"

Patton gasped as he understood what was happening. Twirling on his feet, he silently rushed down the corridor, pushing through the front doors to get outside. He spotted his friends group down the staircase and leaning against the wall, talking amongst themselves happily. Instantly, Patton darted over, panting and waving his hands around wildly.

"What's wrong, Pat?" Roman, the tallest one, spoke up, eyes filled with curiosity. "Miss. Love is stealing your art, Virgie!" He exclaimed, "she said she would take it as her own! We have to stop her!"

"How could we do that?" Logan piped up, pushing his glasses up his nose. Beside him, Virgil tensed a little, knowing what art piece Patton was talking about. Every time he drew on it in lesson, Miss. Love would watch over him carefully, as if he would do something wrong, but it was his work, and with his hatred towards her for insulting Patton in a lesson one time, he would not allow her to do anything with what's his.

"Tell a teacher?" Roman suggested, eyes narrowed.

"They won't believe us!" Virgil hissed in response, "we're just kids.." he added, a little more solemnly this time. Logan turned his head to the left, down the playground he could see the group of kids swarmed around Ben. He was the richest boy in the school, and always brought in a new piece of tech to show off. Low and behold, today they had a camera.

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