Test results - Logan & Jamie

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'The Rest Of Us Just Live Here' is a fucking BRILLIANT book and I recommend you read it!!!


The front door opened and closed. Thomas's head perked up and he stopped talking to his friends to greet his adopted son, Jamie. "Hey, Jamie!" He waved, the boy smiled and waved back, brushing a hand through his golden brown hair. "Hey, Tom" he reached over the back off the couch, giving his dad an awkward-angled hug, but neither minded. "Hey, Tom's friends" he added on, waving to the group of people spread out on the couch. They all called back their own greetings and Jamie chuckled, amused. Grabbing a soda, he hopped up the staircase, entering his bedroom.

Thomas, go after him, Thomas heard Logan demand inside his head. He sighed lightly, rolling his eyes. In a minute, Lo, he responded, going to fall back into the conversation with his friends, but Logan wouldn't leave him alone! In the end, he made the excuse that he was going to check up on Jamie, and hurried up the staircase to his room.

As soon as he was inside, and the door was closed, Logan appeared and rushed up to Jamie who grinned upon seeing him. "How was the exam? What did you get?" He questioned, a little too excited, but who could blame him? They both studied together for weeks, of course he would be curious to see what the results were. Jamie pulled a face, slowly turning to his desk. "Uh...I got..." he drifted, Logan deflated beside him, but put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It is alright, I won't be mad" as if he was the dad! Thomas rolled his eyes fondly.

"I got..." Jamie suddenly turned to him with a grin, "the highest in my year! A* eighty out of eighty!" He cheered, and Logan couldn't stop himself from pulling Jamie into a tight hug. "Jamie!" He gushed, "That is wonderful!" Logan leaned back, staring into his eyes for a moment before pulling him into a hug again, squealing in delight. Jamie laughed, hugging him back.

"All thanks to you" Jamie tapped his chest when they finally let go of their embrace. Logan adjusted his tie pridefully. "Well, it is what I am here for" Jamie giggled, pecking his cheek. "You're also here to comfort me" he added, turning around and skipping over to the door. Logan never was good at comforting, at least that was what he thought, Jamie does like cuddles and hugs every now and again, but Logan provides logic in his low times, rather than compliments and reassurance, so that's why Jamie always went to him or Thomas when he felt bad.

"Love you, Tom" Jamie called while passing him out of the room to go to the toilet. "Love you, too, mom!" He called to Logan who froze momentarily at the parental title, than a smile fluttered across his lips, eyes lovingly gazing at the carpet. Thomas smiled when he saw it, warmth welling up inside his chest. Allowing Jamie and Logan to hang out more, he returned back to his friends and fell back into his work.

The idea of Logan getting excited over their child's grades n'shit gets me g o i n g

Also, the idea of Jamie calling Logan 'Mom' came from insertpunhere0  in their book 'Groupchat//CHAOS' (I think that's the title—) when Virgil called Logan 'Mom'

Does anybody have a flag representing any sexuality in the LGBT+ community??

If so, can you place it against a white backdrop, take a picture of it and send it to me??

If you can, my twitter handle is: logan6_6
Instagram: logan6_6

(Just DM it to me)

Don't have twitter or instagram? Fucking email that shit: loganmayor10@gmail.com

Thanks hunnies


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