Self absorbed - Roman & Logan & Patton & Virgil

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Is this another Groundhog Day sort of OneShot? Yes. Do I care? Nope.

Is this in first person? I wanted to try it out


My eyes fluttered open that bright Monday morning. As soon as they did, I groaned and rolled onto my side, stuffing my face into the pillow. Monday's were the worst! How can one day of the week be so agonising compared to the others? It wasn't fair! Why can't I stay home? I probably won't miss anything, apart from the teachers who drone on and on, and the annoying students who are either too hyper for a Monday, or don't know the definition of personal space. Seriously! The amount of people who brush up against me without a second thought! It was horrendously rude.

Someone pounded on his door and I moaned, realising it was my older sister. She was probably sent up by my mother who can never be bothered to wake me up. I know I'm stubborn, but some attention would be nice every once in awhile.

"Roman! Get up!" She yelled through the wood, pounding on the door a few more times before leaving. Alright! I get it! Even so I'm not leaving. Maybe if I stay here long enough they won't realise and all leave the house without me - it's worked before.

"C'mon, Roman" next was my father. He went to work around this time, so after passing my bedroom he disappeared downstairs and was outside the house before he could be called back to care for the twins who were sitting in the living room in their second crib, crying and crying so loudly I wondered if the neighbors would call social services.

Still, I stayed buried under my thick duvet, the warmth that surrounded my body was persuasive enough to keep me immobile as the house was alive in a palaver. Deep down, though, I knew I wouldn't be able to stay here, as now my younger brother was opening my bedroom door and jumping around my room loudly while yelling at the top of his lungs for me to get up. If I didn't want to be grounded, I would've punched him square in his stupid face.

Instead, I grabbed a pillow and whacked him around the head with it, sending him collapsing to the ground. As he wailed and ran to Mom I laughed brightly - although, it hit me I was now standing up, and I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Rolling my eyes, I shut my door with my hip and blasted some music from my favourite musical to block out everything going on in the house I really wished I didn't live in.

Grabbing a pair of white jeans, I matched it with a red t-shirt and a brown jacket. Subconsciously I began to sing along with the music that filled my ears - I mean, who wouldn't? It was such glorious, upbeat music! Everyone in this house needed a mood lift, anyway. Brushing my hair to perfection, I flinched when I saw my pissed off older sister standing in her doorway - her angry expression made me smirk and laugh, finally switching the music off so I could hear what she had to say, although I was pretty sure I wouldn't care.

"Seriously? Can you stop being such a pain for once?" She demanded, exasperated. I scoffed, stuffing my phone into my pocket and my earphones into my bag. "Let me think..." I purposely tapped my chin as if I was actually contemplating her request. From her clenched jaw, I knew this was getting to her, and she was just waiting for the response I knew she knew was coming.

"No" with a wink, I sauntered on passed and slid down the banister, instantly blocking my ears as I heard the twins wailing in the living room. Closing the door to try and dim down the noise, I skidded into the kitchen, seeing my younger brother nagging my eight month pregnant mother who was busying herself around the kitchen to get breakfast for everyone.

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