Roman was - No ship

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Trigger warning: depression

Can't wait for the twenty seventhhhhh


Roman was ungrateful

He never said thank you when someone gave him a gift, he would always throw them into storage and never look at them again. He would pout, he would wail, he would shove aside everything given to him. Other parents hated Roman - but the kids loved him so much, so when Roman invited everyone from school to his birthdays, or random parties throughout the year, they couldn't say no, otherwise their child would throw a tantrum.

His parties were amazing, especially in such a big house, every one had a different theme, lots of activities to keep both the children and the adults entertained. Roman's parents prided themselves each time, for the parents always tell them they didn't think anyone could create a better party than the last, yet they do so every time. By the end, Roman had stacks of presents, but he kicked them away, refusing to open any of them. In the end, parents bought small, shitty gifts, but it didn't change much - Roman never ripped the rapping paper off any of them, not even one.

Roman was a nuisance

Teachers despised him. Every lesson they never managed to settle him down. He creates havoc in the class, sometimes students found it amusing, other times they just wanted him to shut up. He would rip pages from his book and throw them around the class, he would snap pens and pencils, push other kid's belongings off of the table, sometimes if he was extra passionate, he would throw chairs and flip tables. More times than anyone could count his parents were brought in, no matter how much they ground him, give him detention, take away rewards and cut off his allowance, his behaviour insists.

In the end, they gave up, and sent him to a room on his own where he was taught lessons by the head master. He and Roman spent all day in that same, small room. Sometimes Roman was silent, sometimes he would flip out, and scream, and bang on walls. Everyday staff rooms were filled with insults towards the boy - wondering why the hell the head teacher hasn't expelled the disaster of a boy already.

Roman was manipulative

Every Friday his bag would be filled too the brim with different, expensive gifts, and whoever hung out with him the most during the week were given these toys and devices. Each morning the eight and nine year old kids would flock around the boy who would shove aside the children that didn't spend time with him, and instead focus on the ones who focused on him.

Throughout middle school Roman's group of friends grew and grew until the majority of the children in his grade were his friend. During break time and lunch, they'd all sit on the field, Roman in the middle, sucking up their attention like a drink through a straw. Teachers couldn't really do much, and the children who weren't his friends, the ones who didn't care about his gifts, had to play on the concrete, for if they tried to play on the field Roman's friends would call out mocking names and bully them relentlessly for their own entertainment.

Roman was a narcissist

Since moving to middle school all he ever talked about was himself. He would brag about his riches, the fact he had an entire floor to himself in his house - and he had other houses spread across in different countries. Just being in the near vicinity of him you could hear him babbling about how much money he had, and the fact he always had the latest technology.

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