Swapped lives 3 - Roman & Logan

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Part three bitches

Trigger warning: Neglectful parents


That morning, the sun shone bright and vividly through the curtains hanging across the window right beside Marshall's bed. Logan blinked a few times, hissing at the sudden uncomfortable irritation coursing through his eyeballs. Of course he forgets to take out his contact lenses. Looking down in his arms, he came face to face with a mop of dark brown hair. With a soft smile, Logan shifted out of his grip, replacing his body with a pillow the younger boy cuddled up to instantly.

Rubbing his eyeballs, he stumbled towards Roman's room and collected his few belongings he would need to use in the bathroom. Scrubbing his teeth, he splashed water onto his face and changed his lenses, staring at himself in the mirror for a few moments. He looked odd without glasses - he didn't like it. Nor did he like not wearing a tie. Sighing, he tutted and straightened his hair out as much as he could, almost forgetting to style it like Roman would.

When he finished, he placed his hand on the doorknob, eyes widening slightly when he heard a sudden screech from downstairs, followed by another which roughly translated to; "you have to go to school!"

Great, Logan thought, rolling his eyes. With one more hand brush through his swooped hair, he left the bathroom and hurried down the staircase just in time to see Belle running across the hallway and locking herself into the bathroom. Tristan opened his bedroom door, having to lean against the doorway and watch, bleary eyed at everything going on around him.

Logan finished his descent, on the way past Tristan he channeled his "inner Roman/big brother" and reached over to ruffle his bed hair. Tristan poked the tip of his tongue out, making a sort of "bleh" sound before turning back into the dark abyss of his room and closing the door. Snorting, Logan carried on his venture towards Venus's room. She was in her crib, awake and crying. Setting the baby monitor to one side, he scooped her up, changed her diaper without a second thought, and carried her down the staircase to heat up some milk.

Cradling her to his chest, he hummed a soft tune to calm her down, almost out of instinct. How does he have so much knowledge of caring for kids? Was it a trait handed down from Patton? Did Patton give it to him through osmosis or something? Not scientifically accurate, but definitely one of the few jokes he desires. While letting Venus suck the milk through the baby bottle's nib, he traveled across the house towards the entrance way of the living room, spotting Lara and Annie sprawled across the two couches, watching early morning tv. Logan would deal with them later.

Venus quickly finished her milk and Logan gave her a quick burping before allowing her to play with the toys in her crib. "Get dressed, girls" he ordered, muting the tv. Annie whined but trudged her body out and to her room without arguments, Lara complied but only when Logan lifted her through the house to her own room. Picking out her clothes, Logan let her get changed in piece and knocked on Tristan's door.

"Tristan, are you ready?"

Silence. Tutting, Logan opened the door and flicked on the light, eliciting a groan from the pile of blankets on the bed opposite. What a palaver all this was! To what? Get ready and go to school? Logan never had any trouble with this! Not even when he was sick! Then again, he would admit he is quite the nerd and adores everything about school, while nearly everyone else does not.

Gripping the edge of the quilts, Logan yanked them back, making Tristan yelp at the sudden icy cold that nipped at his skin. "Dressed, now" Logan gave him a warning look and left, venturing up the stairs to Marshall's room - he hadn't forgotten about Belle yet. The fourteen year old was still asleep, but when Logan woke him up, told him to get dressed and hurry downstairs as fast as he could, he agreed pretty quickly.

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