Corrupted friends - Roman x Patton & Logan x Virgil

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Trigger warning: Bullying, depression, attempted suicide


"Stop being such a fucking idiot, Ro"

Roman chuckled, looking over at his friend who sent him a smirk. He glanced at the camera for a few seconds, smile faltering, before quickly returning back to the game his friends insisted they did a video about. It was a fun game, with amusing dialogue and freakish glitches, but he never really made videos based around games - he either did song or music covers, or vlogs. He unfortunately had to slack with his music due to his friends persistence.

"Look at him" Patton sighed, gesturing to Roman who was shown on the corner of the tv screen, mouth in a straight line, eyes emotionless. "He's so sad" Patton added on with a frown, glancing at his two friends who were hugging hands beside him. For awhile, many people - not just Patton - have commented on the fact Roman has seemed so depressed in his videos. To back them up, they put clips of Roman from a few years ago, compared to today. His smile and laugh was painfully different - everyone thought it was fake, Roman says it's real, and he's just changed.

No one believes him.

"Probably from the fuckers he calls his friends" Virgil motioned to the screen with his free hands, scowling at the face cams of the other boys playing the game with Roman. Each time the nineteen year old did something wrong, they'd rip him to shreds. They had to give him some slack, this was the first time he had played the game!

"I cannot understand why he puts himself in their company. It must be an act" Logan piped up, but it was all speculation. Roman never gives away any personal information about his life - in his vlogs, he never mentions his family, or his past, he only ever talks about the present or future - even still, not a word about himself, or his life, or how he is truly feeling. Everyone thinks it's because of his friends. When Roman first started, he did videos alone, as soon as more and more people came in, he changed. He moved into a mansion so they could all live together, and over the last few years, people have noticed the boys Roman befriended all gang up on the singer whenever they could.

Everyone wants to believe it's fake, just for views, and it really is 'just a prank' but it's obvious it isn't. No one wants to comment on it - and when they do, they are attacked by people who say it's his personal life, the fans shouldn't get involved. Oddly, though, whenever someone makes a point about Roman's blindingly obvious upset mood, one of Roman's friends will reply hatefully, or forcefully shut down the idea before anymore comments could be made.

It was all...strange.

Virgil and Logan weren't always fans of Roman. In the beginning, they both found him too boisterous, loud, and honestly not that entertaining. But, that didn't stop Patton from watching him in his spare time, sometimes Logan and Virgil could come home to find Roman on their tv screen, Patton curled up on the couch, watching the man intently. Slowly, they both warmed up to the teenager on their screens - Virgil started to really like him after he had a panic attack. To calm him down, he usually found some calming music on YouTube and plugged is his earphones to drown everything out, accidentally he clicked on one of Roman's singing videos, and ended up...watching them all. Not that he would admit it to Patton.

Logan ended up liking him after Roman posted a twenty minute pretty interesting vlog. For the first ten minutes, he was his insufferable goofy self, hanging out with his so called 'friends' but in the last ten minutes the pace changed, and he was sitting atop a hillside alone, pointing out constellations and naming each one. At the end of the video, Roman commented he learnt all that from a man named Logan Atlas. Logan didn't freak out. Nope. Not at all. That was alllll Patton. Totally...

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