Wrong number - Virgil x Logan

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Wrong number Au's are fucking great

The picture has nothing to do with this OneShot ^


14th May - 4:03pm

Unknown - sup
Unknown - shit thats stupid
Unknown - sorry just really nervous

Unknown - Hello? Do I know you?

Unknown - shit! sorry its me virgil

Unknown - Virgil? I don't know a Virgil.

Virgil - wait this isnt spencer?

Unknown - No, my name is Logan.

Virgil - are you kidding me? fuck

Logan - I apologise, you seem to have texted the wrong number.

Virgil - yeah no shit sherlock

Logan - Sherlock? I told you my name was Logan.

Virgil - are you serious?
Virgil - dont answer that
Virgil - sorry i wont text you sgain

Logan - again*

16th May - 2:14am

Virgil - im fine pat dont worry

Logan - Third time now, my name is Logan.

Virgil - fuck i clicked on the wrong text

Logan - May I ask, why are you up at two am?

Virgil - why are you up at two am?

Logan - I was studying.

Virgil - oh
Virgil - yah procrastination sucks ass

Logan - I do not procrastinate.

Virgil - then why study at 2am when sleep is so much better?

Logan - That is none of your business.

Virgil - whatever

24th May - 5:09am

Virgil - just give me the homework answers princey!

Logan - Last time, my name is Logan.

Virgil - you again?

Logan - You imply that statement as if I texted you first.

Virgil - fuck im so tired

Logan - I'm going to safely assume you were up at night, correct?

Virgil - yeah so what

Logan - That is quite unhealthy for your body.

Virgil - well now your a hypocrite

Logan - Actually, I had a full eight hours sleep. Well, I planned to, my parents woke me up. They play their Mozart quite loudly.

Virgil -...what era are you from??

Logan - That is an odd question, I am in the same one as you.

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