Return if found - Roman & Patton

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Why does everyone in England sound the same


Logan and Virgil were quietly walking through the library, each holding a book to their chest as they created conversation amongst them. The library was pretty much empty apart from the two adults in the other isles and the two behind the counter - an old lady and a young boy who recently got a job here. While the two were walking, Logan paused his movements, Virgil rose an eyebrow questioningly but caught onto what he was doing when he bent down and picked up an abandoned wallet.

"Who's is it?" Virgil questioned when he opened it to see their name. "Roman Sanders" Logan read out, then showed him the picture on their drivers license. Virgil's eyes widened, "I saw him! He literally just left!" He exclaimed, so the two put down their books and rushed out of the building, spotting Roman walking across the parking lot with two books in his arms.

"Roman!" Logan yelled out as Virgil was too anxious to do so. The man perked his head up and looked to where his name was being called, staring at the two strangers in confusion. They hurried over, Logan holding his wallet out to him. "I believe this is yours"

"Oh my Disney!" He grabbed it and thanked him profusely, "lucky it didn't end up in the wrong hands" he murmured, flicking through it before slapping it shut and grinning at the two. But, as he shut it a piece of paper wrapped in tape slipped out and onto the floor. "Oh, here" Virgil bent down to pick it up, eyes grazing over the words for him to pause and draw his eyebrows together.

"Gay card?" He read it aloud. Roman blushed lightly, "Oh that, it's merely a silly gift my old friend gave me" Roman waved off, "look on the back" he suggested, so Virgil did, Logan leaning over to read it, too.

Name: Roman Sanders
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Age: 14
If lost please return to Patton!

Logan quirked up his eyebrow, looking Roman up and down. "You are fourteen?"

Roman snorted, shaking his head. "I was when this was created"

"You kept it for that long?" Virgil questioned, handing the card to Roman who nodded and sighed wistfully, slitting it back into the wallet. "My dear friend Patton meant a lot to me" Roman excused, looking up at Logan when he made a sudden noise. "Roman...Roman...Roman!" He repeated, eyes widening when his memory clicked.

"Roman, are you free tomorrow?"

The man in question leaned back slightly in surprise, but slowly nodded his head. "I am...why?"

"Meet us here at twelve?" Roman nodded and watched as Logan led Virgil back to the library, telling him the plan he had created while all Roman could do was drive home and return the next day - which is what he did. He leaned on the side of his car, wondering if this was some sort of joke when he noticed Logan walking across the parking lot to him.

"Follow me" Logan instructed, leading him to the library only to walk to the side of it. Roman followed without question, actually pretty curious to see what he wanted with him. When he did turn that corner, he stopped in his tracks and gasped lightly, covering his mouth with his hands when his eyes landed on him. His old friend.


"May I have your 'gay card'?" Logan held out his hand towards Roman who nodded wordlessly and handed it over, following Logan again who walked to Patton who had his back turned to them.


"Yeah, Lo-?" The bubbly man turned to see what he wanted, having a similar reaction Roman had when he spotted him. Covering his mouth in shock. Logan placed the card in Patton's hand and he read it over, tears brimming his eyes when he realised Roman kept it for so long.

"Oh, gosh, Ro..." he whispered and wrapped the man in a hug. Roman didn't respond, instead closed his eyes to withhold his tears, hugging the shorter man back. Logan stood next to Virgil who prior to this was distracting Patton.

"Well, this is quite pure" Logan commented, Virgil snorted but agreed. "Sure is" he murmured, watching as Roman scooped Patton up and twirled him around, the two bursting into tear-filled laughter as they leaned back and stared at the other.

The moment was pure indeed.


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