The crash - No ship

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The spaces between my fingers are smooth bois


Roman stared, unmoving, at the two cars that laid in front of him. One on it's back, the other swerved to the side, windows smashed, the front completely compressed from the other car that came head-on. One of them was a drunk driver, they couldn't slow down, they didn't see the other car, without enough time to swerve it was knocked from the road and sent tumbling across the sidewalk, smoke pumping out into the night air.

Sirens. Sirens surrounded his ears. He couldn't hear anything else. No screams. No calls for help. He couldn't see anyone trying to get out, he couldn't see people trying to help.

No survivors.

Police came, they pulled everyone back, for the cars might explode. Next, two ambulances, tugging out the lifeless bodies of the people inside. Onlookers from the sidewalk stared in horror, some crying, others much like Roman, unmoving, not blinking, just staring in shock. Roman couldn't move, he felt like he didn't know how, the car...he knew the car on it's back, he recognised it. Where had he seen it? Doesn't matter, it means he could know who was inside, and that made his heart rip in two.

His gaze locked onto the bodies that were being pulled out of the car on it's back - Roman noticed how it was only one person. His heart dropped when he realised he knew who that person was. Well, not yet, he knew he did know, he just couldn't tell exactly who from this distance.

Everything moved by him slowly, like he was stuck in slow motion and he couldn't turn it off. His legs took him to the body that was being wheeled into the ambulance as fast as they could, but it honestly felt like it was taking years.

Finally, he was able to catch a glimpse of who it was - and his world stopped. The sirens fell, his vision was filled with the asphalt below, body beginning to quiver with the horror that filled him up like a glass under a tap.

That body...

It was him.


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