Moment of vulnerability - Deceit & Logan

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I should be applying for college but here I am

Logan was up quite late that night finishing off a few pieces of work he had yet to complete. He understands it's not beneficial for his health, and should have gone to sleep two hours ago for a sufficient schedule, it's just he was on a roll with what he was doing, and worried if he left it for the next morning it wouldn't be as good.

It wasn't too harmful, anyway, and promised himself he would not wake up so early the next morning like he usually does. Although, his plans were struck by a metaphorical spanner when someone knocked lightly on his door. He blinked and looked over to it, wondering who it could possibly be. He knew the others were asleep, and wouldn't bother him at this time - maybe it was Patton worried he was still awake. Adjusting his glasses, he arose from his chair and brought closer his jacket that had slipped down his shoulders. When it was the evening and he wanted to wear something more comfortable, he'd pull on a pair of sweats, a t-shirt and a jacket borrowed from Virgil.

Basically he owned it now, as Virgil realised it suited the nerd better, eVEN IF THEY HAVE THE SAME FACE OKAY WE GET IT.

Opening the door, his eyes widened a fraction when his gaze landed on Deceit. He opened and closed his mouth, deciding to take in his appearance before asking questions. He had his pyjamas on - black silk with gold accents - and a blanket wrapped around his body. Said blanket had an embroidered snake on it. Patton made it for him when they were kids - he cherished the item, even as the sides grew to dislike him.

"Deceit" Logan finally spoke, "what brings you here?" He prompted, as it was all a bit confusing. He usually never came to the main sides when he needed something, finder the lesser known sides to be more entertaining and fun to hang out with, he especially wouldn't come to Logan, the two never got along. Deceit didn't respond verbally - instead, he lifted his eyes and stared at Logan through his bangs that fell across his forehead.

Usually, due to his top hat, most of his hair was covered, but when he wasn't wearing it his dyed-golden tips were quite visible, glowing under the hallway light.

Logan could see by his gaze he wasn't in the mood for talking, and could tell with the way he shuffled and fidgeted he couldn't bare standing there for any longer. Logan didn't really know what to do in this situation; call Patton? He would know what to do - or Remy? They seem quite close with Deceit. In the end, his questions were answered when Deceit slowly moved closer and rested his forehead against Logan's chest. The side tensed, eyes wide. Slowly, ever so slowly, he lowered his gaze to stare at the top of Deceit's head and relaxed, closing the door and stepping aside so Deceit could trudge across his carpet and flop down on his bed, all snuggled tightly like a burrito in his blanket.

Logan watched him for a moment, then let him be, returning to his work for an extra half an hour before he finished. He brushed his teeth and came back into the room, taking off his jacket and neatly hanging it on a hook. Deceit was still laying in his bed, but with enough room for Logan, so he slipped under the quilt and laid on his back, not expecting Deceit to roll over and rest his head on his chest.

"Deceit, what's the matter?"

The side shuffled further against him and sighed out. "Felt vulnerable" he murmured into the air, pressing his face into his body. "Needed someone" Logan made a sound of understanding, lowering his arm around Deceit's waist to hold him close, his other hand running through his soft hair. He remembered awhile ago Virgil coming to his room for the same reason - maybe his room had a calming effect? Due to the fact their worries could be answered with logical facts. Or maybe, just maybe, Logan couldn't see how his silent presence could be so relaxing.


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