Monster - No ship

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Haven't done a "no ship" in awhile

*clicks knuckles*


My mummy always told me to not be scared of the monster I tell her about, whenever she would tuck me into bed, combing a hand through my hair as she told me the monster doesn't exist.

But it did.

I've seen it, but she doesn't believe me, no one believes me, it's right there! But no one can see it.

It haunts my dreams, turning them into nightmares. I try and sleep, I want to be good for my mummy, but whenever I close my eyes I see it, standing there, watching me. It's scary...

Kids make fun of me in school. They tell me I'm a baby. They tell me monsters don't exist. But I've seen it, teachers told me if I can't see it it's not real, so it must be real! Why doesn't anyone believe me?

It never leaves, it's always there when I come home from school. It's scary, but not as scary in the day, when the sun disappears and is replaced by it's friend; Moon, it comes back, it becomes evil, it scares hurts me.

When I wake up my skin has splotches of different colours, but they're covered with clothes, I can't show anyone, it's rude to undress! I tried to show mummy, but she had to leave, I was alone. I was scared. I stayed in my room and cried. I wanted mummy. I wanted to be safe.

I can hear it. It's coming up the stairs. I feel tears fall from my eyes. What can I do?

I reach under my bed, my friend holds my hand.

Please protect me, I whisper into the darkness.

When the door opens and my monster comes staggering in, my friend stands up and comes out to play.

After that night, I never saw my monster again.


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