A happy mistake - Virgil x Logan

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I wish I had a spare bottle to pee into


Patton opened his cubical once he had finished his business on the toilet, ready to wash his hands and hurriedly return to class but when the toilet doors suddenly burst open in shock he flinched back, hiding himself behind the door in case it was an enraged student who wouldn't care about letting their anger out on the first person they saw.

Peeking through the small gap, he watched the student rush past his stall to enter the last one, slamming the door shut behind him. In silence, Patton could hear him breathe heavily, pull down his trousers and mutter to himself quietly. Patton was worried he would be caught, so in his fear he gently placed a hand over his mouth to try and conceal his own breathing.

"C'mon...c'mon!" Patton heard whoever the student was beg. From his voice, Patton knew the boy to be Virgil. He was closed off and snappy nearly all the time, glaring at anyone who would ever try and talk to him, and keeping himself away from any sort of human contact. He's even allowed to leave the class a few minutes early to walk through the hallways alone.

Patton wouldn't be surprised if some of the teachers were scared of him.

"Just...bleed, please just bleed!" Patton had never heard this tone of voice come from Virgil in the many years he had known the boy, he sounded genuinely scared, which made Patton forget about being caught, and instead move all his worry onto the lone boy, wondering what he was going through. Why did he want to bleed?

Silently, he stepped out of his cubical and over to Virgil's.

"Fuck..." he whispered harshly, Patton flinched when Virgil hit the wall angrily. "I can't be pregnant" this made Patton's ears perk up and eyes widen. "God, please don't let me be pregnant" he whimpered now, and by this point Patton was right in front of the light blue door, raising his knuckle to gently tap against it. The sudden noise made Virgil go silent, in that silence Patton heard him tug up his jeans and wildly fling open the cubical once he was decent.

His eyes were blazing, but Patton didn't back down, even if he was a tad frightened. "Why are you here-? Fuck, I don't care, just-move!" Virgil stumbled over his words, barging past Patton to leave but the cardigan loving boy stopped him from doing so, staring at him with concerned, round eyes. "Virgil, are you okay?" He asked calmly, "do you need me to help with anything?" He carried on in case Virgil would try and leave again without knowing all Patton wanted to do was help.

The darkly dressed boy floundered for a moment, not used to being treated so kindly by another student. He tried to keep up his dark and dangerous persona, but now Patton knew his secret, he didn't know whether or not to try and trust Patton, or never talk to him again. He knew Patton, everyone did, he was always super kind and friendly, so Virgil assumed Patton wouldn't tell anyone, if he were it wouldn't be out of malice, but Virgil couldn't let anyone know, even if Patton was trying to help.

"No, leave me alone" Virgil muttered darkly, but Patton was still in the way of the door. He wanted to help, he really did, he always felt inclined to help people if they needed it, and this was the best chance he had at befriending Virgil, so he didn't have to be alone all day. It hurt his heart to see the boy hide away from other students, or be called names behind his back.

"Are you sure?" Patton's voice was coaxing. All Virgil could do was glance down at his stomach and breath out slowly, he could really do with the help, he didn't know what to do. Could he trust Patton? Does he really have any choice? Gulping thickly, Virgil backed away from him and turned his back to face the caring student, hugging himself tightly.

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