Meeting you - Logan x Virgil

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Logan looked through the screenshots of his and Virgil's conversation with a soft smile alight on his face

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Logan looked through the screenshots of his and Virgil's conversation with a soft smile alight on his face. Usually that was quite rare, for him to smile, but he couldn't help it, he was so infatuated by the boy he decided to text that day last year and he could not help but smile whenever he realised he has gotten a text from him, or read past conversations. 

Since that day, that day Patton encouraged him to get another friend, that day he DM'd Virgil because Patton followed him, his life had improved drastically. He didn't notice it from the beginning, brushed aside the fact he felt a little happier whenever he would converse with Virgil, ignored the way his heart warmed when he would text him first, didn't acknowledge the fact he would feel worried whenever Virgil would ask him for help, and definitely didn't want to bring into account the fact he could notice even slight differences in his texts and instantly knows something is wrong.

At the time, he didn't want to understand he cared more about Virgil than he originally thought.

But then, two months later, Virgil admitted to Logan he had a crush on someone, and that was the first time in Patton's life had he seen Logan cry. It was a mere few tears that welled up in his eyes, only one spilling down his cheek, but either way Patton knew it must've been something big to warrant this sort of response from the usual emotionless guy, so he held him close and comforted him best he could.

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