Not once - No ship

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He carefully headed down his staircase, bag hanging on one strap loosely from his shoulder. He lightly treaded across the hallway carpet into the living room, spotting his mother laying across the sofa, empty beer bottle slipping from her fingers.

He surveyed the room - stained, cheep, empty.

Turning back to his mom, he softly headed across the room, leaned down and pressed a gentle, fleeting kiss to her cold forehead.

Standing back up, he trailed out of the room to the front door. Turning to his left, he saw a mirror, cracked, dirty.

He gazed at himself intently, but all he saw was a stranger.

Not making a sound, he opened the door, stepped into the cold, chilly night air, and headed down the cobble path.

He pushed open the rusty gate, screech echoed down the street.

His head slowly turned, eyes lingering on the building behind him. A building full of memories, of childhood, of peaceful innocence.

Blinking, he now faced the street, and as soon as he walked down it, he never looked back.

Not once.


Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots 4Where stories live. Discover now