Train station - Virgil x Patton

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Virgil fidgeted nervously on the platform of the train station, frequently looking down the track to see if he could spot the train coming, he knew it was stupid of him, as he came half an hour early, and the train still had ten minutes to get here - either way, he was anxious, and he couldn't help it.

There were a few other people with him, but they were just strangers sitting on the benches, so Virgil played them no mind. A little time tipped by before Virgil had began pacing, grabbing his phone to text his friends who both reassured him of his worries. It didn't entirely help, but he calmed down a little when reading them, so he appreciated it.

He dabbled on the idea of going to the toilet for awhile, but every time he took a step towards it he imagined the train to pull in, and he couldn't be late. He tried sitting down, but his leg wouldn't stop bouncing, and not long later he would be up and pacing again.

Time ticked by like a dead snail, Virgil's anxiety probably wasn't helping, finally, though, the time on the sign attached to the roof changed, and it was exactly the time the train should be here.

On cue, Virgil heard the distance noise of the train, and looked over to see it coming. Stepping back, he watched as it passed by at a slowing pace, he tried to look through each window, but he cursed himself when he missed a few. Now, he didn't know what to do, where to go, the station filled up pretty quickly, and Virgil was plunged in a crowd of people, trying to find that special one.

He ended up standing on the bench to look over everyone - he analysed the left side of the station, but couldn't find him. When glancing to the right, his eyes instantly landed on soft, baby blue mixed with light grey, and in that moment the world stopped, for Virgil felt like he couldn't comprehend the beauty that was across the station from himself.

Jumping onto the ground, he rushed through the crowd, not caring he pushed and shoved, vision becoming blurry with the tears that welled up in them.

"Patton!" Virgil cried, still running. Patton turned to the voice and grinned, loosely holding his suitcase as he fell into a run, too. A few people from the crowd looked over to see two men crash into each other and fall to the ground, messily wrapping random limbs around the other to hold them as tightly as they could, tears mixed with their laughter, burying faces into the other.

"Holy shit, Bambi" Virgil cried quietly, sniffling.

Patton smiled, giggling. "Hey, language, Angel.." he cooed gently, running a hand through his hair.

"You smell like the teddy you gave me" Virgil murmured, which made both men laugh softly.

"And you smell as comforting as I imagined" Patton replied back, helping him sit up. They stared at each other for only a moment before they pulled the other into a long kiss, smiling into it lovingly.

"I love you, Angel" Patton whispered, delicately cupping his face.

"M'love you too, Bambi.."


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