Powerful imagination - Roman & Logan & Virgil & Patton

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This ones gonna be a little...different


Roman slumped on the uncomfortable chair he'd been sitting on for hours, this stupid bus drive seemingly never coming to an end. The school said they'd be there at twelve o'clock sharp, but after he checked his phone for the umpteenth time, it was nearing half past one. What made this drive the most unbearable, though, was the students. His friends were not here, and he was stuck with annoying kids he doesn't ever talk to in school.

The place they were all going to sectioned off students - only allowing twenty five people to come in at a time - not counting the teachers. Roman thought it was dumb - this stupid government funded scientist-building thingy invited them over! It wasn't like they were forcefully going over there, why can't whole classes go at once?

Nevertheless, he knew all of the people on this bus - he also knew them to be the people his friends group have bullied in the past. And they all made sure he knew that. Well, bar three students sitting at the front of the bus, Roman knew them too, unfortunately. They were named Virgil, Logan and Patton - ever since kindergarten they became friends and never split up once.

Roman longed for a friendship like that, it seemed like every year he had new friends, he just wanted people he could trust, and have best friends like those three. A day doesn't go by where he doesn't imagine himself hanging out with them, being their friend, having sleepovers, everything else friends do! He would give up everything to be their friend - his reputation, his current friends, everything.

He didn't care if he would turn into the bullied, he doesn't even want to bully anyone! He thinks it's cruel and inhumane - but until he could somehow befriend those three, he wouldn't say that to any of his friends, he can't handle being alone.

"Day dreaming again, Empire?" Roman rolled his eyes, forcing himself to not turn around and punch Nathan right in his balls. He was the most annoying child he had ever met - the only reason why Nathan was bothering him was because Roman's friend had beaten up Nathan in the past over something Roman didn't bother to learn about. It was probably a pathetic reason, anyway. It always was.

"Is Empire gonna cry?" A girl taunted this time. Roman scowled, he hated that girl - Erin. Her sister accused another one of Roman's friends of rape - and even if he doesn't particularly like his friends accusing someone of such vile acts is unforgivable. He never raped her, they both wanted it at the time, but because she didn't want to be known as a slut - she made up that stupid accusation.

Roman's friend was luckily let go as they couldn't find enough evidence, but Erin and her sister would do anything to remind Roman and his friends of what the "rapist" did. Fucking pathetic.

Also, Roman still wonders why people call him Empire. It rooted from one history lesson, they were learning about the Roman Empire, and he needed to get up and grab a pen. Coincidentally he tripped and fell, one student piping up that the "Empire has fallen" and the entire class went wild. He would agree it was a funny joke, he even laughed too, but why do they still call him Empire? That happened two years ago! And he thought it was an awesome nickname! He could think of much worse, which was why he never complained about said nickname, he just wondered why they hadn't realised the name doesn't bother him at all.

"C'mon guys, let him sulk" Joel piped up, flicking through the magazine he had rested on his lap. He loves winding Roman up, but he had had enough of the other students torturous laughter. Listening to Joel, they did, returning back to their conversations. Bar himself, Logan, Virgil and Patton the other students all knew each other, and were happy to start up a conversation that was shared between all twenty one of them. Impressive, but infuriatingly annoying.

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