Bella's Rough Patch

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"Ms.Benson, Bella keeps crying and it makes me sad. I don't like seeing her cry." Tears fell down Kayla's cheek as she struggled to get through the last few words. I hugged Kayla and assured her that everything would be okay.
"I'm going to talk to her, okay? But, can you be a good friend and tell me where she is?"
"I saw her go over there Ms.Benson." She pointed before putting her sweater on.
"I have to go, my mommy is waiting but tell Bella I hope she feels better." She left the changing room in a hurry and I sighed. I followed the way she followed and I saw Bella in a small room.
"Oh, honey." She looked up and jumped into my arms.
"I have to go back to the precinct, so let's change. We're going to have a serious talk later."
"Are you mad at me?" She asked while pulling off the half top of her leotard.
"I'm not mad, I'm just concerned. Do you know what that means?" She shook her head while putting on her shirt.
"It means, I'm worried." I held a blanket behind her so she could finish changing. She slid on her shorts and said,
"It's okay."
Bella's Perspective
"I don't wanna talk!"
"Okay, I'm not gonna force you into speaking. But what you're not gonna do is raise your voice at me. Understand?"
"Yes Uncle Fin." That's when mommy came back into the office and went onto her computer. She was gone for like 2 hours and she had some food for me.
"What happened?"
"She was raising her voice at me. I was just trying to help Liv."
"Bella. What has gotten into you these days?" She stooped down to my level as Uncle Fin left the room. I didn't answer because why? Do I even have to?
"Bella. Look at me and stop daydreaming. What is the problem? Why are you acting like this?" She was holding my face so I couldn't turn away.
"Do I have to? It's not like-"
"What?" I cried lots and lots and mommy got really worried. Mommy had to go talk to the squad so she locked her office door and let me cry.
"I want my mommy. I want my mommy. I just want this to all go away." I sniffled and sat in mommy's chair. I make mommy sad when I cry and run. I said I wouldn't run but it's so hard! Why can't I just stop? I left mommy's office and she saw me, she paused for a second and told me to stay right there while she talked to her team. She'll be mad. Mommy came over and got down to my level again.
"What's wrong?"
"Hold me."
"I can't right now. Did you eat your food?"
"No mommy."
"Alright, get your food and sit at the table. I have to go back to work. I love you." I sat down and she gave me a kiss. I didn't even feel like eating. I looked at the sandwich and it just wouldn't disappear!
"Hi." Auntie 'Manda sat down at the table and gave me a lollipop.
"Thank you. But I'm not sure I'll even eat it."
"Why? These are your favorite."
"I'm sad."
"A lot of reasons."
"I have some time."
"I miss my mommy, and it makes me sad! Like everything is Noah! Noah won this, Noah's having a sleepover! And then that other stuff."
"I don't like school! Like I always have to go there! School is terrible!"
"Did something happen at school?" I nodded and drank some juice.
"Throw sand at me. Get in my eyes!"
"Who did? Did they do it to be mean?"
"I don't wanna talk about it. Kayla and Kylie don't even know." I left and went into mommy's office just like that. It was bullying.
Olivia's Perspective
"You need to go talk to your daughter. She needs you."
"Did she tell you anything?"
"Yes,but I think it's you she wants to talk to. She misses you Liv. She wants you to pay attention to her for once."
"Did she say that?"
"Go and ask her." Amanda walked out of the precinct without even saying goodbye. I've been trying to spend time with her. That can't be the only issue. I walked into my office to see a calmer Bella. Though she was calm she didn't smile when I walked in the room. Instead she looked up and went beach to drawing.
"Bella? Are you angry with mommy?"
"A little, but more sad."
"Can you tell me why?"
"Because everyone is always paying attention to Noah. Not to me even. I want you to pay attention to me too."
"And that would make you really happy?"
"Yes. And I want you to hold me more, you stop holding me. And I wish you'd take me out more. The last time we went outside was the girls day and that was a while ago. Everything we go out it's what Noah wants to do."
"Okay, mommy will try to spend more time with you. I'm sorry you feel so sad that you had to cry. I'd never ever make you feel this way on purpose." I picked her up and gave her a kiss.
"I'm sorry. Is there anything else you should tell me?"
"Throw sand."
"Who did? Is someone bullying you?"
"Jennie. She did it on purpose."
"Did you tell a teacher?"
"I tried to! She keeps doing it mommy and it isn't funny. She pushes people too."
"Maybe something's going on with her."
"No she just mean!"
"Sometimes when people act mean it's because something's wrong with them. Like maybe their mommy and daddy are fighting, or even someone could be hurting them."
"So then what do I do?"
"Kill em' with kindness. Be nice to her and she might stop."
"I love you so much."
"I love you more than that even. Now help me with my drawing! Please?"?

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