Bella Feels Off Pt.2

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"Why did you take me to the park Mommy?" I asked.
"Well, I thought that the park would be the perfect place to sit down and relax. Don't you think?"
"I guess so." I sat down on the grass and Mommy put her arms around me.
"Look over there." She pointed at the trees and I was very confused.
"Why do you want me to look at trees?"
"Do you notice something special about them?" I shook my head and looked down at the grass.
"Okay, you still don't feel the same?"
"Yeah." We were quiet for a while and I finally had the voice to say something.
"Mommy, can I talk to you about something?" She put her phone down and looked at me.
"Of course you can."
"But in private."
"It's just us here honey, you can tell me what it is." I shook my head and started to cry.
"Oh sweet pea, it's okay."
"No it isn't."
"How about we walk home? We'll have some privacy at home."
"No, I don't want to." My Mom got more and more confused.
"Bella, why are you being like this? I really want to understand what's going on, but you're making it a bit difficult my love."
"Bella?" She asked again.
"Bella, let's start going home." She got up and dusted off her pants. She put down a hand and I stared at it before turning away.
Home (Olivia's Perspective)
"What's wrong?" My daughter took off her shoes and ran all the way upstairs.
"Bella, talk to me." I had a lot of patience at this time because I knew this wasn't the real Bella acting this way.
"You don't understand!" She said while wiping her face.
"How could I try to understand if you don't tell me?" She looked at me, knowing that I did have a point.
"How about you go wash your face and you meet me in my bedroom?" She shook her head and went downstairs. I walked downstairs behind her and she threw herself onto the couch.
"Bella, sometimes we all feel a little bit off. It's completely normal. But when we do feel off, sometimes it's not about movies, or drawing, or games. It means we're upset about something else." I grabbed 4 kisses and sat down. Bella had her head under a pillow and was crying.
"What's wrong, honey? You can tell me." She sat up and looked away from me, showing how ashamed she was.
"Bella, tell me." She shook her head.
"I have four chocolates. Every time you tell me something about why you're feeling off you can have one."
"I don't want chocolate. I don't like them!" She stood up and started to walk away.
"You love kisses. Remember?"
"No I don't."
My Bedroom
It was about 6:30 and attempting to speak with Bella didn't go as planned. I went to go check in on her a couple of minutes ago and she was in her room playing with her dolls. But she didn't look as happy as usual.
"Mommy." I put my book down as Bella walked around to the other side of the bed.
"Hi honey. How are you feeling?"
"A little bit better."
"That's amazing. Come here." I gave her a tickle and she laughed for two seconds.
"Yes?" I was ever so patiently waiting for her to tell me what's wrong.
"I'm sorry for being like that with you."
"It's okay, I'm not upset with you at all. I knew that wasn't the real Bella. I was waiting for my Bella to come back."
"What do you mean your Bella?"
"The Bella that is happy and giggly. The Bella that always wants to spend time with me." She looked at me and then sat up.
"What's wrong?"
"Can I tell you the truth?"
"Yes, of course. What's wrong?"
"I think I know why I feel off."
"Why?" I held Bella's hands as she took a deep breath.
"I feel like I've been changing a little. And then I've also been kind of moody. But I didn't know why. I didn't even have a reason to be moody and I just was."
"Yeah, like my hands feel so big and weird." She showed them to me and they were indeed big.
"They are."
"Does this mean that I'm starting to grow up?" She asked innocently. Bella is turning 9 this year and with that will be a multitude of changes. I've been trying to get my mind off of the fact that my little girl is going to start developing quite soon but it isn't that easy.
"Plus, Kylie told me that she wears crop tops under her shirts now. She told me that her hands got big like mine before that happened. I don't wanna get bigger though Mommy. I want to be your little girl." I instantly gave my daughter a hug as she kept rambling.
"You'll always be my little girl. No matter how big you get. Growing up is something that's normal. I don't ever want you to have to feel uncomfortable about it or scared about it. It's totally normal. Mommy isn't ready to talk about it fully but we will talk about it. Okay?"
"I love you so much sweet heart. Thank you for opening up to me. I really appreciate it."
"I love you too."
The Park (Bella's Perspective)
"Throw it here!" I said to Tucker. I jumped up to catch it but it was too high.
"You almost had it." Mommy said. Noah bounced the ball and then gave it back to Tucker.
"10 more minutes and then we should go get something to eat." I walked over to Mommy and she gave me a side hug.
"Are you happy and having fun?"
"Yeah! What are we going to eat?"
"Tucker said that's a surprise." She fixed my hat and tapped my back.
"Go have fun my love."
"I want to play something with you!" She smiled and grabbed a frisbee.
"Yeah! Let's play frisbee!" She threw it at me and I caught it. I was having so much fun today! I ran to my Mom and gave it back to her because we were starting to leave.
"I'm glad that I've got the have the real Bella today." My mom said to me.
"So am I. I've missed her." We all walked to the car as a unit joking and laughing. This is what happiness is. And this is what I love to surrounded by.

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