Bella And Noah's Visitor

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The Basement (Noah's Perspective)
"Axel is so funny Noah, I think I like him better than you." I laughed as we played our video game.
"Axel Mason?"
"I know his brother." I smiled and Bella rolled her eyes.
"Don't be embarrassing."
"I can't promise that."
"Don't get into any fights with him either, because his brother is my friend." I smiled and Bella folded her arms.
"What's so funny?"
"You obviously like the guy."
"You think I like everyone."
"I'm going to watch this Axel guy."
"Stop being embarrassing." She begged. I put my arm around Bella and she played with my hand.
"I want Mommy to come home for Thanksgiving."
"She will, and if she doesn't we'll have Lucy."
"But that isn't the same."
Wednesday The 27th(Olivia's Perspective)
I got inside the house to see Noah doing his homework in the dining room.
"Hey bud!" He ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"I was worried about you."
"I'm just fine sweetheart." I sat at the table with my son and he started to talk to me.
"I think Bella likes this dude named Axel, Mom."
"Really?" Bella has been talking about him but it was obviously nothing like that. I'd still hear Noah out though.
"She was talking to me about him. She sounded all lovey-dovey."
"That's interesting. What about you?"
"Me?" He said, with his face turning red.
"You." I chuckled and my son kept doing his work.
"You know, if you tell me, I'll keep it a-"
"Mommy!" Bella came downstairs with Lucy and gave me a hug.
"Hi babe!"
"Today was so much fun!"
"You know what, you can tell me all about it after I finish talking to Noah. Okay?" She nodded and Lucy kept her entertained by having her help out with dinner. Noah and I took out conversation to his room.
"You need a haircut soon Shaggy."
"I know."
"You can talk to me about these things Noah. I won't judge."
"It's this girl named Morgan. She's really pretty." I smiled at my son happily.
"That's good... what do you like about her?!" He went on to tell me about how she was very funny and pretty and my heart was gushing.
"My little boy is growing up!" I said.
"Mom!" I put my arm around him and he laughed.
"I was wondering if I could bring her over.. We have a project together."
"Of course, I'd love to meet this girl."
"Can you please tell Bella to not do anything weird? This is really important to me."
"I'll talk to her, I promise. Do you wanna talk about anything else?"
"Yeah, but I'm kind of shy to talk about it."
"Hey, you can talk to me about anything bud."
"Can we just talk about it later?"
"Of course." He gave me a hug and we were just hugging for a while. These moments are rare with my son, so I really treasure them.
Home (Bella's Perspective)
Noah's friend named Morgan was coming over and Mommy was going to talk to me. I didn't really know why but I had to listen because she's the adult.
"Noah is inviting someone over and I want you to be respectful, kind, and on your best behavior. This means a lot to your brother."
"That's the girl he likes isn't it? Because I already knew." She looked at me and didn't say anything.
"Okay. Who told you that?"
"He did. It's not like I'm gonna be mean so I don't know why you have to treat me like a baby all over."
"Bella, I didn't mean it like that."
"Yeah you did. You always do that and I don't like it."
"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings sweetie."
"I'll just stay in my room, so I won't bother them."
"Bella, I really didn't-"
"Please stop treating me like a baby." Mommy looked at me and the doorbell rung.
"She's here Mom!"
"Okay, I'm coming my love. I'm coming!" She left and I closed my door. Be on my best behavior. Seriously?! I don't even care about the girl so...
"Your house is really nice! So.....I brought some stuff for the project. I don't know if you'd like it or anything but my Mom said it's worth a shot." I came out my room and looked down.
"Mom, we're gonna go in the basement so we'll have more space."
"Alright, you guys have fun." She came up the staircase and I looked at her angrily.
"Bella, do you want a snack?"
"Honey, I'm sorry for hurting you feelings." I didn't say anything and she gave me a hug.
"My sensitive little baby." She tickled my neck and I laughed.
"I find it so cute when you try so hard to stay mad at me." I stuck out my tongue and went downstairs to the kitchen. Morgan was downstairs grabbing markers.
"Hey Bella! I was wondering where you were."
"I was just doing homework in my room."
"Noah told me that you like shopkins."
"Yeah, they're so cool. I have like a box full of them."
"Do you wanna trade after we finish?"
"Sure!" I sat in the dining room and ate some grapes. I like grapes, grapes are good!
Bella's Room (Olivia's Perspective)
"Sweetheart it's time for dinner." She put her shopkins down and followed me down the stairs.
"How was your date with Tucker?" She asked curiously.
"It was good." I said, lying through my teeth.
"What did you make for dinner?"
"She made caprese sandwiches with turkey in them."
"Mhm. Always." She got the glasses and poured juice in all of them.
"Thank you." Bella kept looking at me silently.
"What is it?" She played with my hair and didn't reply.
"Just wanted to mess with you. You look so cute Ms.Benson."
"Why thanks." When Bella finished her dinner she went upstairs to living room, leaving Noah and I there to talk.
" was it with Morgan?"
"It was really good. It was a bit more awkward though because it was just us. But once it stopped being awkward is it pretty cool." I smiled and held my sons hand.
"Are you ready for this new adventure?"
"What exactly do you mean by that?"
"You'll see. Just wait and see."
"Mommy! Mommy!"
"Chase! Mommy can Chase and I play outside?"
"Sure, get a jacket my love." She put one on and played catch with Chase in our small backyard.
"Bella's really energetic."
"I know. That's why I put her in sports. To release all of that energy."
"At least she isn't that moody anymore."
"Right? She's much happier despite everything."
"Despite what?"
"Maybe when you and Bella are old enough, she can tell you." She gave me a hug and I looked at her lovingly.
"I love you!"
"Love you even more sweet pea!"
"We should do a group hug!"
"Come Noah!" We all hugged and laughed. We're a very close, happy unit majority of the time and moments like these happen quite a bit.
"Mom, can we talk. Like just talk."
"I have to do some work, so how about you talk while I do that. Kay?"
"Okay!" My daughter jumped on my back and I had to haul her up those 2 flights of stairs. She really wanted to break my back! I started some work and Bella went under the covers and rested her head on me.
"What do you want for your birthday?"
"I don't know yet."
"Well you gotta start making a list soon."
"It's hard to think about what to get Mommy. There's so many shopkins and toys in this world."
"Too many if you ask me."
"You should get Coffee! That's what I'll get you for the holidays."
"Way to ruin a surprise."
"Who said I would really buy you it?"
"Fair point."
"I'd never tell you what I was getting you for Christmas! It's supposed to be a surprise." She stuck out her tongue playfully and I laughed while looking through a file.
"I wouldn't tell you either hun,"
"For the reason you just said silly!"
"You should give us a hint."
"Nope. Nada."
"That means nothing in Spanish!" She said in realization.
"That's right! Good job!"
"Speak French!" I kept doing my work and she wouldn't give it up.
"No, something even harder Mommy."
"In a bit." I put my arm around her and she closed her eyes.
"I thought you were a big girl."
"A big girl can be little too." She fell asleep and I kept rubbing her forehead back and forth while doing my work. Peaceful moments like these with my kids, even if they're sleeping on my gives me a sense of tranquility. I'm busting perps all of the time basically and it feel nice to be just be peaceful. Just my daughter or my son and I, relaxing. Talking about things, new experiences. Nothing could be more tranquil than that.

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