Bella And The Hammock

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I love the hammock! Mommy and I talk there a lot and Noah too. It was like 8 in the morning and I was out there with Noah while mommy made breakfast.
"I wanna go in the pool today." Noah said.
"Pool messes up my hair kind of. I need to wear a hair cap I guess."
"Why do you always braid your hair like that?" He touched my hair like he was curious or something.
"Because it helps it grow I think. And it looks pretty. And then mommy says that it makes it easier to take care of."
"Oh. Do you like braiding your hair?"
"Kinda do and kinda don't. Because it hurts, but it also looks pretty."
"Kids come and eat!"
"Let's go eat."
"Okay." I walked back into the kitchen and sat at the island thingy.
"I can't."
"Can't what?"
"Eat all of this, can I not eat the eggs?"
"You have to eat everything. Or else you can't have any of the left over cookies or cupcakes later." I started eating and didn't say anything else. This is too much. Mommy and Noah were talking as I swallowed my last bits and put the plate in the sink.
"Where are you going Bella?"
"To my room." Mommy grabbed my arm as I was going.
"What was that for?"
"I need you to stay here for a minute. I want to talk to you. You're not in trouble I promise." Noah went upstairs and mommy started washing the dishes.
"How old are you honey?"
"6 and a half." I giggled and spun on the chair.
"And what grade are you going in?"
"Do you know what we're gonna talk about today?"
"No. Is it a bad thing?"
"Nope. Mommy wants to talk to you about 2nd grade."
"Because things start getting serious in second grade. Did you know that?"
"No. What's so serious?"
"Well you learn how to count money, adding and subtracting gets harder. And you learn fractions."
"It seems fun! It's math isn't it?"
"I can't wait to learn that stuff."
"And you also have to be a good reader."
"I like reading."
"Then How come every time mommy tells you to read a book before bed you get angry with her."
"Sometimes I don't wanna read."
"But you have to read lots and lots so you can be a good reader. It'll make mommy really happy if you read every night like she asks without the angry Bella."
"I'll try. But I want a new book to read."
3 weeks later (Olivia's Perspective)
I had just taken Bella out of the shower and she  was sitting on my lap wrapped in a towel and talking to me.
"But like purple is way better. Do you think so?"
"I think purple is one of the cutest colors,  just like how you are the cutest girl." I gave her a kiss and looked out the window. I felt happy to be home on this beautiful Friday, spending quality time with my little girl. I wonder if Bella even comprehends how much she means to me.
"Bella, I think it's time to put your pjs on."
"Okay mommy." I helped her put on some underwear and a night dress.
"I'm going to go check on Noah, I'm coming back."
"Okay." I went into the living room and saw Noah watching cartoons as usual.
"30 more minutes."
"Okay mommy." I gave him a kiss and went back into Bella's room where she was waiting for me.
"Let's read a book."
"I wanna read a cool book."
"What about this book?"
"Sure, it has a cat so I'll read it!" We sat and read Pete the Cat together and Bella giggled her whole way through the book.
"Why would he eat only bananas?"
"Because bananas are good for you and they're yummy."
"Then why did he stop eating them over one bad banana. If he really loved bananas he'd still eat them."
"Well at least he gave bananas another chance."
"True. Mommy the doorbell."
"That's probably Lucy. I have to leave in a bit." I went to go open it and it was indeed Lucy.
"Lucy! Good night! Come on in."
"Hi Lucy." The kids both said.
"Hi guys. And Liv." She gave me a smile.
"Thank you so much for coming on such a short notice."
"No problem. You look awesome by the way."
"Thanks. I'm going undercover at a club today. I'm really getting too old for this."
"Have you ever thought about retiring?"
"No, I don't feel like my job is fulfilled." I picked up my daughter and gave her a kiss.
"You gotta go to bed now Bella. I'm gonna go put her down. Noah's next. He's got till 8:30." I took her into her room and tucked her in.
"Sleep well my sweet pea. It'll be Saturday before you know it."
"Love you mommy."
"I love you more. Give mommy a big kiss." She gave me one sleepily and I turned off the lights. I went back to the living room and took a breathe.
"She'll be out soon. Couple more minutes bud." I put on my shoes and swigged my water.
"Alright I have to go. Give mommy a kiss Noah."
"Love you mommy. Bye!" I gave him a hug and a kiss and then said good night to Lucy.
"Alright, bye guys."
The Gloomy Morning (Bella's Perspective)
The morning was gloomy and ugly. And I didn't like it! Stupid rain. I went and sat on the couch with mommy and Noah.
"Good morning."
"Morning." They said.
"Why do you look so grumpy?"
"Don't like rain! Now we can't even go to the park!" I climbed into her lap.
"How about we play games today?"
"Honey..." I looked and mommy and she tilted her head in a funny way.
"I don't like the rain!"
"You're a copycat! You're copying what I was saying!"
"You're copying what I was saying."
"Mommy!" Noah said.
"Mommy!" I gave her a hug and we all laughed together

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