Bella's Time With Liv

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After breakfast Mommy said we were going out. It was just me and her walking to the water park and talking with each other.
"Aren't you excited to go to the waterpark with me?"
"Yeah! Look at the slide!"
"What kind of rides do you want to go on?"
"Scary ones, I'm not a baby anymore."
"Alright, we'll do some scary ones." We did a relaxing slide first, or at least that's what I call it. When we dropped down it was fun! It was scary.
"Alright, what's next?"
"The tornado!" I said like a villain from the movies.
"Alright, but listen to me." She pulled me to the side and I looked at her.
"If you're not tall enough, I don't want you to get too upset. Okay? You might not be tall enough."
"Yes Mommy." We went to go see if I was tall enough and the lady said I was right on the green line, so that was great. We got up there and we had to ride down with Jenavy! I was shocked because I didn't know she'd be there.
"I didn't see you at the beach Bella!"
"I didn't see you either." The lady pushed us down and we went.
"Is this your friend Bella?"
"Yeah her name is Jenavy."
"Alex." Her Dad said.
"O-LIVIA!" Mommy yelled.
"AHH!" It was so funny! The drop was so cool and so fun!
"I would totally do that again!" I giggled and held my moms hand.
Lunch With Miss Bella (Olivia's Perspective)
After being in and out of the water we both showered and went to the buffet for some food. Bella drank her lemonade in such a cute fashion.
"Hey Bella?"
"I wanna talk to you about Elijah."
"Eli-jah?!" She said in a sort of confusion.
"Yes him."
"He's super nice to me."
"Did you ever think that maybe he could, like you?"
"Yeah, that's why he's my friend Mommy!" She laughed and ate off of my plate.
"Miss Bella!" She giggled and laughed at me. She's just too cute and innocent.
"So, what do you think about him?"
"He's nice and funny and I feel a bit sad for him. So that's why I'm his friend."
"Sad for him?"
"He said his dad passed away." Poor kid.
"Do you know what it feels like to have someone pass away?"
"Yes, I do actually."
"How about we discuss this in private?" She nodded and kept eating off me.
"If you don't stop I'm going to make you refill my plate!"
"No problem, hehe." She paused and looked at me.
"Mommy, how old do I have to be to have a boyfriend like you?" She bit into her hamburger and flashed a quick smile.
"That's so old! Can I even have babies when I'm that old?!" I laughed at her question and gave her a kiss.
"My hair's super itchy, they should make something that itches your hair for you!" She said while trying not to itch her head. I massaged it and she laughed and started to relax.
"That always helps! Thank you Mommy."
"You're welcome." It's moments like these that make me want to pinch my self. I have a daughter! And she's here sitting in front of me, trying to be like me, while simultaneously testing my authority. I have the blessing of being able to come home to two amazing kids.
"Hello?! I'm telling you something super important Mommy!"
"Sorry pumpkin, what is it?"
"Did you know that Jana likes a boy? And she gave him a kiss right here." She pointed to her lips and covered her mouth.
"But I wasn't supposed to say that!" I tilted my head and my daughter took a bite of her second burger.
"Did he force her?"
"Well, I don't know, but I only saw them kiss on the lips, they were trying to do the kiss that adults do. I don't like that kind of-" she closed her eyes and I could tell that she was having a flashback.
"Bella, you're okay. Look, I'm here and no one is going to hurt you." I hugged her and she opened her eyes.
"Let's talk about something else, I feel embarrassed now."
"It's nothing to be embarrassed of Bella. We've talked about this."
"But it's gross Mom!" She cried.
"Baby, do you want to go back up to the room?"
"Yes please. But I have to finish my burger."
"Tomorrow, we're going to do something fun."
"What is it?"
"A tour."
"That sounds cool, where's Mr. Tucker Mommy?" She said in a calmer fashion, Bella can get easily distracted sometimes so it's very easy to calm her down.
"Out with Noah."
"Can we have dessert? But like upstairs."
"Why not?" We put the plates away and went upstairs to our room. Once we arrived upstairs Bella sat down on the floor and I sat down with her.
"Mommy, do you have bad memories?"
"How do you forget about them?"
"You can never truly forget a bad memory but when you have one sometimes it's good to write down how you feel and then crumple it up and throw it away. And then you know what?"
"What Mommy?"
"You can make good memories."
"By going out with your friends or trying something new, even doing things you love."
"Is this conversation a good memory?"
"Do you think it is?"
"Yeah." She looked at the floor and then put her head on my lap.
"I love you!" She yelled.
The Next Morning (Bella's Perspective)

Mommy's Letter
I'm so proud of you for having self-control! It's really easy to get angry in those situations. That was so great of you to express how that person's actions made you feel! I've been seeing a real change in you sweet pea. You're going to grow up to be an amazing young lady. Now, I'm also proud that you're opening up to me more about your flashbacks. Venting is good  for the soul and you will get better over time. Trust me on that. But more importantly, did Elijah give you another charm yesterday?! Don't think I didn't see you holding something to your chest and giggling! You're not slick missy!

Xoxo, Mommy

"Mommy, he did but like-" I stopped to laugh and I gave her a hug. She was packing her bag with snacks so it was more like I had my arms wrapped around her waist.
"But what?!"
"But he said it's our thing!" She smiled and Tucker looked over.
"I think someone has a liking for Bella." Noah snorted and I laughed.
"What does that even mean?!"
"Do you feel good vibes from Elijah?" Noah asked while pointing at my shirt.
"Did you feel good vibes from that girl?!"

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