Bella's Admiration

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4 years ago
When I grow up, I wanna be just like my Mommy! She's really, really cool!
"Bella, we have to go soon. Did you clean your room?"
"Yes. I cleaned it."
"Let me go and check." She walked down the hallway and peeked into my room.
"Is that your bedroom?" I nodded and she gave me a high five.
"Good job! I'm very proud of you. Come on, let's go to lunch now I'm starving." She fixed my skirt and held my hand as we went downstairs.
"I wanna be like you when I get big."
"Like me?" I nodded and she picked me up.
"Because you're the best person in the world. And I wanna be like you."
"That's so sweet. Thanks babe." I gave her a snuggle as we went inside of the restaurant. We sat down at a table for 2 people and I ordered lemonade as my drink!
"Mommy, I like it when we go to restaurants, just us girls. It's fun."
"I like it too baby."
Central Park (Olivia's Perspective)
"I like sandwiches." Noah exclaimed.
"I know. Today was a great day for a picnic to just sit and eat some yummy sandwiches. Right Bella?"
"Why are you being so sour?" I looked at my 6 year old daughter and she folded her arms.
"Maybe she needs a nap Mommy. I get cranky when I need a nap."
"I don't need a nap." She whined.
"Bella, you don't need to whine. You can speak in your regular voice like I know you can."
"Mommy can me and Bella go play?"
"Well of course if Bella wants to play." Bella was looking at the ground and her eyes started to fill with tears.
"Bella?" She started to cry and I was confused. What was going on?!
"Bella, do you want to talk?" She kept on crying and I tried to comfort her.
"It's not fair!"
"What's not fair?"
"You and Noah."
"What about me and Noah baby?"
"You and Noah look the same and I don't. I want to look like you." Noah was confused and I lifted up my daughters chin.
"I want to have straight hair and I want to be white too." I wasn't really sure where all of this was coming from. Though, I have noticed that Bella has been trying to mimic me lately. A lot.
Earlier Today
"What you doing?"
"Flat ironing my hair baby girl. Step back, I don't want to burn you."
"Can you do me next?"
"Bella, I would never flat iron your hair."
"Because I don't want to mess with your curls."
"But I want it like yours." She said stubbornly.
"Bella, look at me."
"I'm looking."
"I'm not going to do anything to your hair. Do you understand me?"
"But it's not fair!"
End Of Flashback
"Bella, this is nothing wrong with you being who you are! You're just perfect. You don't need to be white like me or Noah to be perfect."
"But everyone likes white." What am I going to do?
My Room (Bella's Perspective)
"Mommy, why we have to talk about skin again?"
"Because you're obviously upset about not looking like Noah, me, or your friends. And I need you to know that there's nothing wrong with that. You are a very beautiful girl. There's nothing wrong with being brown Bella. It's who you are."
"But I want to be like you Mommy."
"Aww, Sweetheart and you can be like me. You can be kind to your brothers and friends, you can help other when they are in trouble. That's like me."
"Yeah, it is. But I can't be a cop!"
"Bella, I don't want you to be a cop."
"You're not going to understand, but I want to keep you safe."
"But you keep yourself safe with your gun."
"Yes, but not always Bella."
"Did you keep Lewis safe?"
"Lewis. You talk about him in your sleep sometimes."
"Sweetheart. One day, when you're old enough to understand, Mommy will tell you about Lewis. It isn't appropriate to talk about. Okay?"
"Okay. Who's Nick?"
"Nick is my old partner baby." She smiled and gave me a kiss.
"In your sleep you talk about a lot of boys." She laughed and started to talk.
"Stop spying on me little lady." I laughed and then looked at Mommy.
"What is it munchkin?"
"Mommy, why I'm black and white?" I asked for the thousandth time.
"Because your Daddy is black and your Mommy is white."
"That's why I'm brown?"
"Yes love."
"So I'm special?"
My Room (Noah's Perspective)
"I'm having a tea party? Do you want to come?"
"What kind?"
"Passion fruit tea with cookies. You'll love it."
"Fine, but afterwards I have to play my game."
"Okay. Come sit here!" She out me next to her penguin and gave me a juice box.
"Yeah, it's iced tea but it's better than nothing." I laughed and we did a cheers.
"Yummy. Bubby, home come at recess in 1st grade you didn't let me play with your friends?"
"Yeah I did."
"You didn't let me play with Bryan."
"Okay, I'm sorry. Don't cry!" I gave her a hug and she didn't cry.
"I wasn't going to cry silly. I just wanted you to give me a hug." I laughed and Mommy came in.
"What are you guys doing?"
"The tea party. Go out Mommy it's a private party." Bella giggled and stood in front of the door.
"Alright, I'll go start dinner. But leave this door open."
"Okay! Bye! Now, it's time for cookies. Come and get some."
"They're good."
"You have to eat like a lady!"
"But I'm not a girl!"
"You can be a gentlelady."
"Hmmm. Okay."
Kylie's House (Bella's Perspective)
"Do you wanna have a sticker party?"
"A sticker party?"
"Yeah, it's where you decorate with stickers for a really really long time."
"Cool!" We took stickers and stuck them all over the construction paper and we giggled so loud the whole world could hear.
"You gotta stick some on your forehead Kylie. Come."
"I want it right here."
"Okay, look in the mirror. You look so beautiful!"
"I love it Madame Benson!"
"Girls?!" I turned around and my Mom was standing at the door.
"Bella has to go home now."
"Aww! The fun just started."
"I know but it's almost bedtime, you gotta go shower."
"Okay. Bye Kylie."
"Bye." I gave her a hug and went downstairs with Mommy to say buy to her parents.
"Reach home safe."
"Mommy it's not fair that I have to leave and go to bed."
"Bella, your bedtime is 7:30. No later. Kylie has a bedtime as well, we were going to have to leave anyways."
"But it's not fair!"
"Life isn't fair."
"You can't tell me to go to bed anymore when I'm 18." She laughed for a long time and I wasn't laughing.
"Stop laughing at me! I don't like it."
"Bella, why are you crying?"
"Because it wasn't funny."
"Alright I'll stop laughing." We took the elevator and I folded my arms.
"Why this mean look?" I rolled my eyes and when we got off on our floor Mommy pulled me to the side. She scolded me and I had to go straight to bed. I was angry.
"It's not fair that I have to go to bed!"
"Bella, don't make me come in there. If I come in that room you're not going to be happy." I kicked my pillow and cried on my penguin. It's not fair! I should be able to stay up till 11!
"Bella Benson. Cut it out right now. You need to go to sleep."
"No, I don't want to."
"If you don't go under your covers right now, I'm going to take away the coloring book."
"No, don't take it."
"So get in your bed, right now. 1," I got under the covers and she tucked me in.
"Good night Bella. I love you."
"I don't love you. I'm mad at you."
"Bella, that is not something you say to your mother. Apologize."
"No, I'm not your daughter." I said.
"Okay, Bella doesn't get her iPad for one week because of her behavior." I cried again and Mommy took it and went to her bedroom. She makes me very, very angry! I wish she would stop!

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