Olivia Fixes Her Bond With Bella

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"I want to fix things, I want to make our bond stronger okay?" She nodded and I put my arms around her.
"I love you, and I mean it baby girl. I want you to know that okay? I don't hate you, I could never hate you."
"Okay Mommy." She stood up and got her iPad. I watched as she started playing some games on there. She started telling me about school and I listened to her and gave her my undivided attention. I ignored the calls that I got as they weren't that important and I realized that that's all she wanted. She wanted my undivided attention. Not me splitting it with Tucker or Noah, just her and her only. And I knew it was going to be hard considering the workload these days, but I was going to try my hardest to make this work.
"Thank you for listening Mommy. I told Lucy the same thing but I didn't feel like she was listening to everything that I was saying." She smiled and touched her hair.
"I'm always here to listen."
"Not always, because you're working,"
"That is true."
"But when you're here at home you'll listen hm?"
Jana's House (Bella's Perspective)
I was off punishment and I was allowed to go over to Jana's house. It was going to be fun because her parents are super cool.
"Hello Mr. Mayer!"
"Hey Bella. I haven't seen you in a while."
"Same to you sir."
"What did I say to you about calling me sir? There's no need, you're like a third daughter to me." I smiled and nodded.
"Can I see baby Amelia?"
"Mhm. Jana's up there with her right now. Jana, Bella is here!"
"Bella! Come, I'm with Amelia!" I went up the stairs to Amelia's room and I saw my friend with her sister.
"She's a really pretty baby."
"The prettiest." Amelia smiled and touched my hand when I put it out for her. Mr. Mayer stood there smiling and asked us if we wanted to go outside for lunch.
"We can? Can we go to Juniors?! Can we Dada?"
"Sure, let's get ready to go in a little while. We have to beat that lunch time rush." Then we all sat and played with baby Amelia. After lunch and stuff we watched a movie and I went home with them. When I got home my mom was coming home from work and I gave her a big hug and waved goodbye to Jana and her dad and sister.
"Hi honey bunch."
"Mommy, I had so much fun today! I saw that Ralph movie!"
"That's so cool." She opened the door and I saw Lucy an Noah watching it!
"Hey guys."
"I just saw that movie!"
Bella's Doorway (Olivia's Perspective)
I stood there and watched my daughter do her homework, talking to herself and making corrections.
"No, it's 64. I think."
"Is the Math tricky?" She turned around in her chair and ran up to me.
"You're home Mommy!" She jumped into my arms and I gave her a big kiss.
"How was your week my love?"
"It was good! Where's Noah Mommy?"
"He's at baseball remember?"
"Oh! Yeah!"
"How about we go have some fun and then pick him up later? How does that sound?"
"It sounds good Mommy. Let me get my jacket!" She went into her closet and grabbed her silver jacket and slid it on.
"Let's go now!" She smiled and held my hand happily.
"What kind of things do you like sweet pea?"
"Hmm, I like quite a bit of things." She stuffed pasta into her mouth messily and looked out the window.
"Tell me what they are."
"I like Family Fizz."
"Who's that?"
"They're on YouTube. I watch them, I like the way they talk because they're from England."
"You like their accent? Can you do it?"
"No, I'm so bad at it."
"Mommy, on Family fizz they were talking about stuff. And I didn't know what it meant."
"What did they say?"
"They were talking about life and then Mia said something. What is a period Mommy?" I stopped eating and nearly choked. I wasn't fully ready to explain those things in depth. I started explaining an extremely tiny bit when she was smaller, enough for her to know that her question was answered but not enough to fully understand what the things I was explaining were.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"What is it Mommy?"
"Sweet pea, somethings are meant to be talked about at a certain time, and a certain place. Now isn't the time to talk about it okay?"
"Okay.. why are you speaking like you're scared?"
"I'm not," I shot her a smile so she wouldn't suspect anything.
"How about we don't watch Family Fizz anymore? Lets find some people on YouTube that are more for you. Kay?" She pouted and then nodded reluctantly.
"I'll watch different things."
"How about the Shaytards?"
"How do you even know how they are?!"
"Hey, I may be old but I still know things."
"I like Shay. He's so funny and crazy."
"He is huh? Who else do you watch?"
"Hmmm, I watch 8 passengers and they talked about that too. It sounds really tricky." I really need to pay more attention to some of these videos she watches.
"Mhm. What other things do you like?"
"I like playing my guitar more these days. I think it's because you scolded me." She frowned and looked down at her hands, probably remembering the scolding I gave her about instruments.
"I had no other choice. Remember how you acted that day?"
"Yeah, I was being defiant."
Long Island (Bella's Perspective)
I sat outside under the deck hiding from everyone. It was me, a snack, and one of my dolls. I also had a blanket to keep me warm. I wanted to be away from everyone because I wasn't in the mood for talking to Tucker's friends and playing a song for them, and all of the stuff you do when guests are over.
"I know it's cold Mia." I sighed as the wind blowed heavily. I looked at the empty pool and smiled and her.
"Don't worry it'll be summer soon. Then we could all go swim!"
"Bella, Bella?" I heard my mom saying in the basement." Oh brother...

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