Bella's Music Class

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"Yes miss?"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I was just having a thought." Please don't ask about it...
"Take a five minute break. I've never seen you like this before." I strummed my guitar and petted it.
"What's the matter?"
"A man."
"What about a man Bella? You need to speak like a big girl so that I can help you."
"A man."
86th Street LES (Olivia's Perspective)
"How are the kids?"
"They're okay. I know Noah is fine but I'm not a hundred percent about Bella."
"What's up with her?"
"Just the usual moodiness, and then she was acting weird the other morning." Fin and I walked back towards the car and I got a call as soon as I got into my seat.
"She's said something about a man? Did she say anything else?" I listened as Bella's guitar teacher was telling me about her strange behavior today.
"Alright, I'll check in with her. Okay, Bye."
"What's up with Bella?"
"Her guitar teacher said that she was acting off today, something about a man." Fin raised his eyebrows.
"Let's not jump to conclusions. I'm going to pick her up and let's see how far along we get." He nodded and continued to drive.
She looked upset as Fin and I walked towards her.
"Hey Bella." She backed up into the wall and put her hands in front of her face. I got down on my knee and touched her gently.
"Come lets go with Uncle Fin and Mommy. You'll get to have a donut."
"I'm not going to."
"Bella we have to go."
"NO!" I was shocked at her literally screaming at me. She's never raised her voice in this kind of a way before. Even Fin was shocked. It was embarrassing! Nearly the whole building could hear her. I picked her up and we left as quickly as possible. Bella refused to stop kicking and screaming.
"Bella, cut it out!"
"PUT ME DOWNN! PUT ME DOWN NOWW!" Luckily we were right in front of the car so I could put her down. What has gotten into you young lady?!
"Bella, I'm going to give you 5 seconds to stop this screaming or Uncle Fin isn't going to give you the thing. Remember what we talked about?"
"Bella if you don't stop you're going home. Understand?"
The Floor (Bella's Perspective)
"I'm not going to talk to you until you stop crying."
"I wanna donut!" I walked over to mommy and held onto her hand.
"Please!" Mommy kept typing on the computer and I sat on her lap. She put her arm around me so I knew that she wasn't super mad.
"What were you saying now?"
"I wanna donut."
"Do you think you deserve one after how you acted?"
"Not really."
"We're going to have a serious talk right after I finish doing this."
"Because I was really bad?"
"I don't want to have a serious talk anymore. You'll just get angry and angry."
"Did you do something I told you not to?"
"No, I just think everyone is angry with me and hates me."
"What are you talking about? Everyone loves you. We just don't love it when you act the way you did."
"Mommy can I tell you what it is?"
"Of course."
"A man has been following me everywhere. And it's making me uncomfortable and really angry. Today he got closer to the school and it was making me very upset and have bad thoughts."
"What does this man look like?!"
"Can you tell me the clothes he's been wearing? I need to use that so I can spot him."
Recess (The Following Week)
I saw mommy put the man in the police car and it made me feel a way that I've never felt before. It was just so weird to have mommy there at my school, at recess sitting in a cop car literally waiting to arrest him or whatever police do. People were even stopping and looking.
"Isn't that your mommy?"
"Yeah it is." I sighed and waited for the questions about my mom to come in, but they didn't.
"Your mom is really cool! She catches all of the bad guys and puts them away do that we can all be safe."
"She's probably a really cool mom!"
"Yeah, She's super cool I guess." I blushed and went back to jump roping.
"Isaiah and Bella sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes love, then come marriage, then comes Bella with a baby carriage!" Jana said as Kylie and Kayla laughed.
"I do not like him!" I chased her around the jungle gym until we both burst into laughter.
"What about you and Kai?" I said to her and she even started to blush!
"Hey! You said you wouldn't tell!"
"I'm not." Jana told me that she thinks that Kai is pretty. I'm pretty sure the older girls would say that she likes him but I don't say that. When I say that she starts to say she doesn't. I don't know why. I heard a third grader once say that when they do that the person is lying! But Jana doesn't lie! She tells the truth about like everything!
"Jayden! Do you think that Kylie is pretty?" Jayden didn't answer but he nodded his head in a scared type of way.
"What's wrong Jayden?"
"Nothing, I'm going to play with Stefan I'll be back." He skipped and nearly tripped. He seems so nervous. I wonder why..
"Is he okay?"
"I'm not sure. He acts like the every single time we say something like that."
Interrogation Room (Olivia's Perspective)
"So I'm going to need you to explain what you're doing at that school everyday." I sat down on the chair and tapped my pen on the desk.
"I just like to watch the kids play. It's relaxing to see." I looked over at Amanda and I could tell she was equally unamused.
"It seems like you also like taking pictures of them too." Amanda spread out pictures of Bella all across the table. My baby.....

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