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The doctor and Yas had gone off with the TARDIS to wherever they were going for their mini honeymoon if that was even the right word for it. But they had left you all right here in the venue. And you had ages until you had to leave, so basically all of these supplies were for you guys.

You were drinking a lot. You didn't care what the others were thinking about you. To be honest, they were drinking loads too so they couldn't say anything. You were pretty sure Missy was tipsy if not drunk already. And Ryan has had a good few glasses too. It was only Graham who had not had anything to drink and was completely sober. As always, he was the one in these situations to look after you all so you wouldn't do something stupid or hurt yourself or anything.

You had been feeling like absolute crap after that phone call. You didn't know what to think anymore. You expected Jason to at least have been worried or concerned. But he didn't seem to care one bit. If anything he was angry at you. And that now it was your responsibility to be safe. What did that even mean?

You were trying to think it over. Were you supposed to go on the pill now? Or maybe you should carry a condom with you. Or maybe he didn't mean what he said and it was just an angered and in the moment thing. He was usually really careful with these things. Even when you didn't particularly want to do anything with him and it was all on him, he still came prepared. Even if it was forced upon you.

You didn't even want to think about that. You knew that if you let your mind wander to that you wouldn't be able to come back from that dark place again. And you didn't want that at all. You didn't want to be living in fear. Not anymore. You didn't want to deal with him anymore. Words couldn't even express how annoyed and frustrated and just tired you were of all of this now. Your head felt like it could explode.

Which was why you had started to drink so much right now. The drinks helped to take your mind off things. There weren't many strong drinks around so you couldn't really do much in that case. There was no burn to help distract you in the back of your throat with these small glasses. The only thing you could do was get drunk, and hopefully by some miracle you would forget everything that had happened.

You wanted to mope around and drunk until you passed out in the corner of the room. But sitting alone and drinking drew so much attention to you. Everyone would start to look at you and start to worry about you. You didn't want them to look at you, you wanted to hide all of this and your feelings from the others. Especially Missy. There was no knowing how she would react if she knew.

And of course, sitting on your own just drinking a lot and being all depressed meant your mind wandered. And you didn't want to think anymore. You wanted to forget. You wanted to be freed from these mental chains. You wanted freedom. And you wanted peace more than anything.

So of course, you forced yourself to get up..even if you really didn't want to. You weren't in the mood to party. You wanted to distance yourself, but you knew you couldn't go backwards. Not after coming so far. You were really trying here. Trying to become better again. Even if it felt like you were never better to begin with right now.

You walked over to where the others were doing karaoke. Or trying to. Everyone was drunk, and Graham was laughing his head off listening and watching the others. You smiled slightly when seeing Ryan doing a drunken dance move while trying to sing some song which you couldn't recognise. He then dropped the microphone which had you laughing, your mood lifting again.

You couldn't really see straight anymore, your vision was getting impaired and a little wobbly with all the drink in your system. Either that or it was actually you drunk now. Elvis was on the piano also drink, trying to play something though it sounded horrific. You were sure he couldn't even see the keys in his state. He was as drunk as the rest of you.

"Heyy..Missy annnd me caaan do Karajokimi" you mumbled the last word, finding it incredibly hard to say it right.

Missy laughed at that while Ryan just sniggered, trying to walk towards you a little off balance to hand you the mike. Once you had it though, you started to stumble your way over to Missy, resting a hand on her shoulder to try and balance yourself.

"Whattt should wee sinnng?" Missy slurred, clearly really drunk too.

"Christmasss sonngs? I didn't get to listen too anny properly" you slurred back.

She nodded her head before bringing the microphone to her face.

"I donnnt want a looot for christmasss" she started.

"There isss just one thinnngg I needdd" you giggled out.

"And iiiiii don't care abouttt the presentsss. Underneath the Christmasss treeers" Missy slurred, nearly falling over when trying to take a step.

You laughed as the music started to come on as well. You could already feel your worried go away, and you could barely remember anything. Only this moment. And this is where you wanted to be. With your friends doing drunk karaoke.

"I jussst want you ffooorr my own!" You sang loudly, basically screaming in your drunken state.

You all cringed when the microphone screeched really loudly, making you all laugh really loudly after that. You head a thud then saw Ryan on the floor, laughing his ass off. Graham shook his head, sighing.

"You're all going to regret this in the morning" he mumbled with a small amused smile.

Maybe that was the case. But you were enjoying this too much to care right now. And you ordered another drink.

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