Black sands

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"Welcome team TARDIS, to the black sands of Iceland" the doctor exclaimed with a smile, extending her arms out into the world in front of you all.

You smiled and stepped forward some more, the sand beneath you crunching with every step, the sun glimmering away above the sea water. And just as the doctor had said, the sands were all black. It was a black beach...

"Whoa! The's not white. It's not even yellow! It's actually black!" Ryan exclaimed, dropping down to his knees before grabbing a handful of sand and letting it fall slowly back to the ground.

"Yes they are Ryan" the doctor smiled widely "iceland is one of the only places on Earth, that has natural black beaches all across the country. Does anyone here know why?" She asked, looking around with raised and expectant brows.

"I do" Missy raised her hand, making you roll your eyes.

"You don't count you're a time lady" you told her.

She pouted in response "I don't count now?" She frowned.

"I didn't mean it like that" you quickly told her, your eyes growing softer "I just mean it's unfair if you answer her question"

"How am I supposed to get up her leader board if I can't answer questions or get points then?" She asked, looking at the doctor, who was just sniggering away, with a glare.

"You really care about her leader board?" You asked with a raised brow.

She grinned a little at that before shrugging "yeah you're right. I don't care" Missy said simply before glaring at the doctor again "not like I could do anything anyways when you've got a point making machine in your bed every night!"

You widened your eyes before glancing over at Yas who looked really offended by that. The doctor frowned before crossing her arms, Missy just grinning.

"That's rude" the doctor frowned.

"It's true" Missy laughed "how many points a night hmm Doctor?"

"It's not like you and (y/n) are any better!" Yas exclaimed, crossing her arms too, rolling her eyes.

"Well I don't put points on every time we do" Missy simply said, wrapping an arm around you with a smug grin "who's second on the list doctor? And by how much?"

Ryan just laughed at that, clearly enjoying this a lot more than you were. You didn't know how to react in response to all of this. All you knew was that Missy definitely cared more about this leader board than she was letting on. Probably because she was so competitive in nature and determined to win at everything and anything. Even if it was something stupid like this.

Though you did blush a little in response to what Missy said. You definitely didn't need this much attention. For all you knew they could go into detail with this. And you preferred to keep your sex life private.

"Okay stop now" You called out with a roll of the eyes "there's no need for any of this. I don't even care about this stupid leader board. All I'm asking is why we're arguing about this when there's a black beach right here! And I've never seen this before okay. So let me build a sand castle or something" you smiled.

The doctor smiled in response to that, as did everyone else. They nodded their heads in response while you went over to the water, taking in a deep breath, the salty air filling your nose again. You kind of wanted to sneeze at that, a small smile raising up to your lips.

There were really magnificent caves around here too, the rock structure was so clear to see and well definite. The rock was structured in long streaked pillars going up, and the caves looked really beautiful like that, some of them cracked in half and others broken in different lengths and heights.

Because of this it almost made the caves on the outside and sides look like steps. Ryan and Yas started to climb up as high as they could while Graham and the doctor cheered them on. You couldn't help but laugh a little at them all. They were seeing who could get the highest the quickest. You wanted to see who would be able to come down without hurting themselves. Speaking from experience you knew that going up rocks and caves like this was a lot easier than coming back down safely again.

To be honest it was kind of amazing to see that this was all a normal thing on Earth. Knowing that nothing weird or alien would come and try to kill you was strange. You also never realised just how many beautiful things there were simply on earth itself.

"Wasn't game of thrones filmed here?" Ryan asked while climbing.

"I think so. I heard about it too. This is so cool!" Yaz laughed, while also going up as high as she could.

You were glad those things were stable. You were so going to have a go next. Maybe even race against the doctor herself. But for right now, you were making yourself a nice sand castle made from black sands.

"Here!" Missy exclaimed, walking up to you and dropping a load of shells beside you.

You laughed a little before looking up at her, squinting a little to not let your eyesight get damaged by the sun or anything. It felt really nice having it shine on you like this.

"What's this for?" You asked, picking up a shell.

"For decorating your castle of course! They can be like doors and windows. I used to do this all the time when I was younger" Missy smiled before sitting down next to you.

You laughed a little before nodding your head in gratitude " wanna tell me why the sand actually is black? I thought it was always white or like yellow" you asked her.

"It's because of the ash from the volcanoes." Missy told you.

"Volcanoes?" You asked, stopping before looking around you "wait you mean these things are volcanoes? I thought they were just mountains!"

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