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You showered after Yaz had left, cleaning yourself up and brushing your teeth. You felt happy, despite slightly mortified about the whole Yaz catching you.

In a funny way you missed it all. How Yaz always teased you, and how Missy and you would be always caught together doing something which looked, and only looked, really intimate. Even though this time you really had done.

It just felt like you had been dropped right back into the everyday life on the TARDIS, almost as though you had never left in the first place. You just missed this atmosphere so much. Even if you did get completely embarrassed.

You spat out the toothpaste and finished up in the bathroom before walking out, smiling when seeing Missy there, putting her hair back up into a bun.

"You know, your hair looks amazing" you smiled, walking over to her.

"Thank you" she smiled back "I look more authoritative with my hair up" she said, making you giggle lightly.

"Yeah you do" you said lightly "also, why do you have an umbrella just randomly in the corner of your room?" You asked, looking over at the purple umbrella.

She grinned a little "it comes in handy. Well, it did. I tend to use my resources a lot more now from wherever I am at." She shrugged "I don't use it anymore"

"What do you mean it comes in handy?" You laughed a little "you mean when it rains? Did you used to carry that around all day just in case it rained?" You couldn't help but giggle in amusement.

"No!" She rolled her eyes, shaking her head a little with a smile "as in it can be sonic" she told me "or it could be used as a laser blaster" she shrugged with a grin.

You raised your brows in surprise at that before staring at her in shock, then back at the umbrella. That thing was amazing!

"Why don't you ever use it now? That's such a cool thing to have!" You asked.

She laughed a little "because I don't need it. I'm not like the doctor I don't depend on a sonic all the time" she said before standing up, having finished with her hair "shall we go?" She asked.

You nodded your head before taking her hand and reaching up on your toes, giving her a quick kiss.

"Let's go" you smiled before walking out with her, hand in hand, fingers interlaced.

You felt incredibly happy. Like you wanted to jump around in joy. This was where you had dreamed of being for so long. Back home. And you couldn't help but feel so grateful and also your insides we're going crazy because of how close to Missy you were.

"You want breakfast?" She asked you, smiling a little.

You nodded your head "yeah" you said "I'd love some breakfast. But if also like to.. you know..maybe sometime ask you out a date.." you stuttered a little, your cheeks going a little red.

Even though you two were together now, you still felt awkward and a little shy asking her out. You had never even thought about how you would ask her out. You just didn't think you would be able to. You always got nervous and we're worried about if she wanted you. Though this time, you knew that she did. She was yours. Your girlfriend. Your angel.

"Of course my love" she smiled "I'd love to"

You smiled in return before furrowing your brows a little "we gonna call each other my love and my angel now?" You smiled "not that I mind...I actually really like it.." you felt your cheeks all warm.

She smiled in response before wrapping if her arm around you "well you are mine now. And I'm yours. Girlfriend right" she laughed a little.

You nodded your head shyly before smiling widely "girlfriends."

You both entered the kitchen and you started to wonder about what you wanted to eat. You hadn't had breakfast on the TARDIS in so long. You hadn't walked down these very corridors and been in these rooms for longer than you could remember.

"What do you want?" Missy asked you.

You shrugged a little "I'm not sure. Anything I don't mind. I might just have some fruit or something" you said, trialing off a little as you tried to look for something.

"Oh no, I'm gonna make you something nicer than fruit. Just sit down. I'll make you those pancakes you like" she smiled.

"You don't need to" you smiled.

"I want to" she said softly, making your stomach feel all funny.

You nodded your head with a small thank you and walked over to sit down. You watched Missy at work, resting your chin in your hands, propped up by your elbows. You couldn't help but smile.

You sighed a little as the silence enveloped around you though as time passed. You often did this when it got quiet. Slip into darker and upsetting thoughts.

You couldn't help but think about your child. You weren't pregnant on the TARDIS. That really was just a scare. But when Jason told you he wasn't going to be responsible for protection anymore, he was telling the truth. He really didn't care. And then...

"Hey, you okay?" Missy spoke up, snapping you out of your thoughts as you looked up.

She placed a plate of steaming pancakes in front of you and you quietly thanked her. She sat down in front of you, sighing a little, giving you a worried look. You frowned a little before sighing.

"I miss him Missy. I miss it all...I wanted to hold my baby so badly..." you shook your head, placing a hand on your head as you felt the emotions well up.

"It's okay" Missy whispered "you're allowed to feel like this. It's normal"

"I don't think my thoughts are normal Missy. The doctor literally had to pull me back from jumping to my own death" you mumbled quietly.

She reached over and took your hand in hers, making you look at her.

"I'm not going anywhere okay" she said softly "that's a promise"

You smiled a little at that before leaning forward and capturing her lips with yours, feeling your heart flutter in your chest and your stomach go wild with love.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now