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You screamed as you fell further and further down, your hand reaching up, desperately trying to reach for the TARDIS that was so very far away. And, though it may have been your eyes playing tricks on you, but you saw the TARDIS dematerialise right there in the air, until it was completely gone.

You started to panic, screaming out for them again desperately, your heart freezing in terror and shock of what was happening. You'd just called out of the TARDIS...and you were going to die! You were going to be slapped against the ground and that was it, you were gone.

You didn't know what to do. There was nothing you could do! You were going to die and this was it, the ending to your miserable life. You expected some kind of warning though. Some kind of chance to say goodbye. Your life was finally starting to look up too, you didn't want to end all of that now...

But as you fell, the wind whistling past your ears, you couldn't help but close your eyes and let your body go limp. There was nothing you could do except accept what was coming. You were going to die. All of it would finally be over. All those times you had wished for that to happen and it was finally coming true, you should have been relieved...right?

Everything would finally stop. All your worries and fears about home, all your pains about the past. You were finally going to be at peace. While you were falling...it was like you were flying. Only there was a more permeant destination and outcome. You were going to be at peace, and you were coming to terms with it.

Though you couldn't help but wonder, would it hurt? When you landed on the ground and every bone in your body would be crushed by the sheer force...would you be able to feel it? Even if it would only be for a millisecond before death. What was it like to die...was there really a hell or a heaven? And if so...which one would you go to? What would it be like? Would you see your mother and little sister there?

Or would it all just be dark...silent and empty. Would you be unaware of everything like you were an Android just having been...turned off and shut down. It scared you a little but at the same time...it seemed peaceful. A final resting place. Your body on this unknown planet...

Would anyone miss you... What would Jo and Charlie say? Would they blame the doctor? Would she be hurt by all of this? What about Missy....how would she react?

Though all of these thoughts felt like they were in your mind for a long time, in reality hardly a second had passed and your mind was jumping from thought to thought a million miles per hour. And all the while...you were falling, falling down to your death...

Or that was what you thought.

Just as you thought you were going to be slammed against the ground, a few trees having passed you by now, a huge wolf came charging your way before it jumped up.

You screamed in shock, closing your eyes and expecting it to eat you while it's jaw opened and it's sharp teeth were coming right for you. You were literally like a piece of meat for it. So you weren't just going to get a quick death with falling, but you were going to get eaten alive by some huge ass wolf you'd never seen before!

Your eyes were squeezed shut and your heart rate was erratic. You felt the need to scream again when you felt it's mouth come to clench around your waist, it's teeth digging into you slightly.

You finally let out a loud scream when realising you were in the mouth of a wolf! You were actually goi to be eaten alive! And not only that, the wolf was now descending from its huge leap and you were falling back down to the ground.

You shut your eyes quickly again, feeling panic rage through you, making it impossible to do anything other than scream.

Though you had to admit...the wolf wasn't hurting you. It hadn't bitten into you savagely like you had thought it would have done, ripping you to shreds. It's hold was almost...soft and gentle, like it knew you were delicate and didn't want to hurt you. Though that couldn't have been right. It was probably only waiting to touch the ground to find a nice spot to put you down and rip you open there.

There was a violent jolt, causing one of the wolf's huge teeth to scrape your skin slightly, making you let out a small scream of pain. Though the wolf only slowed down and lowered its head, opening its jaw to let you go, dropping you softly onto the ground.

You backed away as soon as it did though, scrambling as far away from it as possible, until you hit a tree. You were confused as to why you were still alive, but it hadn't bitten into you yet. You were going to run away if you had to, anywhere to get away. You didn't want to be eaten to death. You would rather have just fallen!

You whimpered when seeing the wolf come closer to you, and you realised the worst situation was at hand. You were trapped between a wolf and a tree that was so big it was basically a wall! It was going to eat you and there was no escape.

You curled up into a ball, holding your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around your legs, you buried your head in your knees, closing your eyes and shaking with fear, wishing you were back on the TARDIS safe and sound.

But just as you thought you were about to die, you heard something strange like cracking and shifting in front of you. You brought your head up and gasped at what you saw...or rather..who.

The wolf had just changed into a man...

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