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You turned around as soon as you heard the voice, and to your relief it was the doctor and the others. And upon seeing Missy, nothing but relief washed over you. You let out a breath, almost laughing and almost crying.

You seriously for a moment there believed what the devil or that zygon was saying. That she had your friends. You didn't know what you would have done if that was true. Just seeing them all in front of you was such a relief and it made you heave out.

You wanted to go over to hug Missy. But you seemed to have forgotten that the zygon was standing right behind you, and wasn't exactly going to just let you go.

"Get down!" The doctor shouted quickly, her face full of worry and quickness.

You immediately remembered the zygon and did as she said, dropping down to your knees with a thud, making you let out a cry of pain. That would definitely bruise.

And just as you got down that same electric spark you saw in the devil's hand now flew past over you, clearly having been ready to shoot you and fry you with that thing.

"(Y/n)!" Missy shouted out for you, while you put your hands over your head.

You took a deep breath before quickly scurrying away, shuffling on the ground while trying to avoid the zygon while it growled and raised another electric filled hand.

"Come on! We have to go there's another exit through here!" Yas called out for you.

"No!" You shouted "Angels in there! The real Angel!" You casted your eyes over to the pod.

You didn't want to leave her. For some reason you couldn't leave her. It wasn't like anyone else. Of course you wouldn't ever leave anyone in this situation, no matter who they were, if you knew them or not. But there was a whole other feeling that came along with this, with the thought of leaving Angel.

It felt wrong and it made your heart hurt and your throat close up in guilt like a noose around your neck. You physically couldn't leave her here. You needed to protect her. Get her out of that thing.

"Come on! We have to get out of here!" Ryan said, trying to get your attention.

"No!" You shouted before trying to turn over and crawl on your hands and knees, even though your knees were already throbbing with pain.

But you couldn't. There was another blast of that electric energy just next to you. And if you hadn't moved out of the way in time your hand would have been fried off by now.

You let out a screech for fear when something sparked next to you, coughing a little at the smoke starting to form around you. You stared at the growling devil imitating Angel. Then back at the pod with her inside. You had to get to her.

Just then you felt Missy come closer to you and you cast your eyes over to her for a brief second when she wrapped her arms around you on the ground. You looked back at the zygon, though you could feel your body almost immediately calm down when you were with Missy like this. Though your heart was still shuddering in fear for Angel.

"Let my friend go!" You shouted.

She grinned in response "friend? You really don't know anything do you. Haven't you figured it out yet (y/n)? Haven't you figured out who she is?" She taunted, "perhaps you've figured it out Missy" she smirked.

You stared into those imitating, copied eyes of hers, furrowing your brows a little. She knew something...but you couldn't figure out what it was she was saying.

"So many memories up here" the devil grinned "I guess I'll just have to rewrite them all. By killing you all. And in turn, she never exists" she grinned, making you only furrow your brows more in confusion.

"What are you saying?" Missy whispered, her eyes staring widely while her face was one of shock.

The devil looked like she was about to reply, but she was interrupted by Graham. And of course, she had another electric ball around her hand.

"Guys we have to go!" Graham called.

"No, we're not leaving Angel here!" Missy shouted, sounding just as scared as you were for her.

She felt the same way as you least you thought she did. Missy was just as protective and scared almost. You hadn't ever seen her like this with anyone else. Other than maybe yourself...Who was this Angel. And why did she make you feel like this all the time? Both of you.

"I've got her!" You suddenly heard the doctor say after a buzz.

You realised that the buzz came from the sonic screwdriver. Your eyes widened in realisation and you watched as the pod opened and Angel..the real Angel stepped out.

"Go! Guys go!" The doctor shouted when the zygon growled in annoyance.

You ducked your head quickly when quick fire rounds of rapid electric energy sparks flew everywhere. Missy managed to help you get up, in turn dragging you out of that place with the doctor and Angel close behind you.

The relief that came with her being safe and out of there was unexplainable. It was like weights had been lifted off your shoulders and a certain safeness and content had entered your chest. The content of knowing someone was safe. Of knowing she was safe.

You ran down the passageway behind Yas and the others. You didn't even realise there was another entry. Even if you did know though, you wouldn't have left. You would never have left without Angel being safe first. And that confused you slightly.

Who was she...? Why did you care so much about her? Why did she make you feel such a huge need to protect?! And of course...why did Missy feel the same way?

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now