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You are up all the food that had been given to you. They even gave you seconds but you politely refused, easily having been made full off of nothing but meat. You honestly quite liked it, as strange as that was. Also, Cobi definitely was the one who needed more to eat than the rest of you both. He was a huge wolf, they definitely got bigger in their wolf form than they are in their human form.

"You sure you're full?" Karmilla asked you.

"Yeah, thank you." You smiled in response, patting your stomach a little at how much you had eaten, definitely feeling full up.

"Well I'm going to sleep now" Karmilla stretched, a small yawn being released from her mouth "I've been up for a while"

"Are you sleeping now too?" Cobi asked you, causing you to shake your head in return.

"Nah, I'm not really tired. I..don't know if you remember or if you've been told but I travel in time and space in a machine called the TARDIS. Or at least I used to...before all of this madness..." you sighed heavily, a frown tugging at your lips while you brought your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them, staring into the fire.

"Yeah the chief told us loads about that" Karmilla smiled "how that TARDIS was bigger on the inside, a blue box that went through all of time and all of space, in different planets and different time zones" she said with excitement and curiosity laced in her voice, making you chuckle softly.

"Yeah" you smiled softly "only I'm...kinda lost and far away from everyone else right now" you told them softly, feeling your heart hurt and a limp start to grow in your throat.

"Do you mind if I ask...how exactly did you end up falling like that? And what do you mean lost? I know you said it was a long story but..well I'm curious" Karmilla asked, while Cobi also watched you, waiting for an answer.

You sighed in response before nodding your head, crossing your legs and waiting to make yourself say it all. It almost felt like you were reliving it when you said that. The thought about you actually being lost made you shiver in fear by reflex. You were always scared of getting lost...you were just glad there were people with you. And luckily enough it was someone you knew, even if he had grown up..a lot since then. It only felt like yesterday he barely fit in your arms.

"We'd just come back from escaping from both an earthquake and a volcano eruption in a country on my home planet earth, called Iceland. It was beautiful when we were there, there were black sands and beaches, amazing caves, volcanoes. The doctor even wanted to show us some of the waterfalls there too. But...the earthquake set off an eruption from one of the volcanoes" you told them, remembering all fully, hardly able to believe how much had changed in such little time. Now you may never find them again...

"Wait Wait, what's a...volcano?" Cobi asked, making you laugh suddenly, shaking your head.

"It's like..a huge mountain. Only it has something called lava inside it, which is really hot molten rock and ash. It's horrible. And you don't want to be around it while it explodes and all the lava and ash comes out. If the lava doesn't kill you and burn you alive, then inhaling the ash definitely will. That's why when that volcano in Iceland erupted we had to run as quickly as we could back to the TARDIS to get to safety" you told them.

"Did you all make it alive?" Karmilla asked, intrigued and invested in the story.

"Yeah, though we were all kind of dirty. So we have showers or whatever. I was on my way back to the control room, when my sleeve caught on one of the switches..." you said, frowning deeply, remembering everything vividly "it all happened so fast..." you shook your head with a sigh "the TARDIS started to go haywire...it flipped onto its side and knocked me off my feet! I didn't get time to hold onto anything before I was thrown out of the TARDIS and flew out of the doors" you explained.

"Oh my god..." Cobi said in shock while You sighed heavily, frowning deeply.

"That's why I was falling from so high. I thought I was going to die. Especially when I saw the TARDIS dematerialise in the air...they could be anywhere right now. And I have no way of getting back to them...back to my friends. Back to my family. Or back to my love..." you whispered the last part, thinking about Missy and hoping she was doing okay.

"I'm sorry" Karmilla breathed, looking at you with sad eyes "you were literally thrown out"

"By mistake yeah" you whispered back, nodding your head in response "I don't know how to get back to them..." your voice wobbled slightly, biting your lip nervously, a sick feeling in your stomach growing "I want to see them again..."

"We'll take you back to the village once it's sunup" Cobi told you in a confident tone "they've known the doctor for generations. I'm sure they'll know how to find the TARDIS and take you back" he encouraged, making you nod your head in return.

"I hope so" you whispered "I really hope so"

After a few moments of silence the other two decided to get some sleep. Karmilla curled up next to Cobi's wolf, his large arm and paw draped over her and pulling her close to him, almost in a protective way.

You sighed, almost in longing. You always wanted a relationship like that, someone who cared about you. Jason was never like that...not anymore anyways. And Missy...she was ripped away from you just like everyone else good to you was. You had to start over...because chances were you wouldn't find the doctor again...

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