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"So, where are we going to (y/n)?" The doctor asked "to your sister's house? Or your brothers? I haven't seen Charlie's house before!" The doctor smiled at that, running around the console, flicking switches and whatnot.

You couldn't help but wince a little when she did so. The way she simply just ran around and flicked everything with no fear and such skill was weird. You did one little thing by accident and it resulted in you flying out of the TARDIS to what you thought was your death! You nearly did die too. Time lord engineering was weird. Awesome, but weird.

"I'd actually like to park just outside my house. The graveyard is close by to the apartment building and...well I think I want to visit my family's graves first" you told her with a small nod of the head, rubbing your hands together slowly while you thought to yourself.

You knew seeing their graves again was going to be hard but you needed to do it. You were comforted by the small action of Missy wrapping her arm around your waist and rubbing your arm softly. You still wanted to be able to touch other people...you wanted to make contact again. You were getting more trusting but it still scared you. You really needed more of those therapy sessions with the doctor. Or whatever they were...maybe therapy wasn't the right word for it. Whatever it was it helped, and you really needed more of that.

"Okay" the doctor nodded her head with a small sad smile "to your home we go." She said before typing something into the controls and pulling down the big leaver that had the TARDIS jolting back into life.

You quickly held onto Missy to used her free arm to grab onto something and keep you both stable. The whole TARDIS shook around you, as thought it was trying to knock you off your feet. You were a little more timid around the whole TARDIS itself now after being thrown out of it...quite literally. But she did try to make it up to you. You could tell she was trying to be soft and warm towards you, quite literally sometimes too. She warmed up the rooms you walked into, giving it a nice feeling which helped to relax your body.

The doctor was running around the controls, flicking switches and pulling leavers, for what felt like years. And you definitely didn't mind at all. One thing you loved upon being on the TARDIS was just watching the doctor run around the controls, flying with such skill and somehow amongst all the craziness going on around, manage to stay upright. It really impressed you, and brought back memories from when you were only sixteen. You couldn't believe how long it had been. All of these people had seen you grow up, literally.

The TARDIS soon came to a halt too, of course with another sudden jolt, practically knocking you off your feet. But you looked at the door as soon as you did, looking at the doctor again who simply gave you a nod.

"We'll go out with you if you want" she said softly, to which you just nodded your head.

With that you all headed towards the door, your hand instantly going to reach for Missy's and hold it tightly. You didn't want her to go anywhere ever again. You didn't want to be tricked and left on earth for years on end. You didn't want to be left anywhere without these people. They were your whole family, your life...the thing that kept you going from day to day.

You reached for the door, pulling them open softly and squinting your eyes at the sun that came into them. You sighed and slowly took a step out, Missy squeezing your hand gently in an encouraging and reassuring way. Something you really needed right now. The last time you left the TARDIS you felt so much fear that you didn't know how to deal with it. A fear that you would be alone once again, that you would never see your family and friends ever again. Your loved ones...you loved them all. You really did...and of course, you trusted them.

Even though your trust in them had gotten you tricked and landed on earth for years on end again without anyway to get to the TARDIS again and reach the doctor...you trusted them. Of course you had your phone on you this time so that may have had something to do with your trust now, knowing that you could always contact her. Knowing that you were always just a phone call away, wherever they were or wherever you were, from them and their voices. You could always hear their voices when you needed it...

But it was also because Missy had promised to never let you go again. The doctor had promised to never leave you again. Everyone else cared so much about you that they wouldn't ever leave you. And they all proved it yesterday when they came back for you even when they and yourself thought you would have died. Falling like that was not something you wanted to experience ever again...it was horrifying. But they came back for you. And that was what made you trust them, you really did trust them all now.

So here you were standing back on earth right now. Your beautiful yet cruel home planet. The place where happiness and sadness ruled your life. It was strange to think how much you had gone through here. Sadly a lot of it was all just sadness and betrayal...and hurt. You had experienced pain here like no where else...

But this was it. You really were home again. Home sweet home. Right next to your home and just a walk away from the graveyard that was in sight already. You really were back...one and for all.

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