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"What..what do you mean?" The chief asked you, moving forward and furrowing his brows "how are you stuck here? The doctor must have brought you here" he smiled a little "and I doubt she would have just left you."

"'s not like that it's just....I fell. I fell out of the TARDIS. I accidentally flicked a button on the controls, my clothes got caught on it. And it just..went wild. I didn't get enough time to grab onto anything before I was thrown out of the TARDIS and plummeting down to the ground and basically to my death" you told them, running a hand through your hair with a sigh.

"That's when we saw her" Karmilla spoke up "just falling from the sky"

"Naturally I went after her" Cobi added "I shifted into my wolf and leaped up to catch her. That's...when I realised that it was (y/n). It's quite hard to forget the first face I can remember" he smiled a little, making you smile a little.

You wondered if his parents would have been upset at the fact that he couldn't remember them. At all. Their birth or biological parents that was. You could definitely tell that these two had done a good job with raising Cobi.

But you didn't know if his birth mother especially would have been a little hurt by the fact that he couldn't remember her. That would have been one of the first faces he would have seen from birth. The voices he would have heard in the womb. All of it...

In a way it was sort of reflecting back on you. You just hoped that your own child would have remembered you. If he was up there in heaven or wherever he was. You wanted him to remember you, even if you hadn't birthed him or anything just yet. You used to tell him how much you loved him and how much you were excited and looking forward to meeting him face to face. It didn't go as planned though...the miscarriage was just so..sudden. You didn't have any time to prepare...not that any amount of preparation would have gotten you emotionally ready for such a huge loss. Or that feeling of realisation of what was happening.

"I mean I just grabbed her with my mouth. I made sure I was gentle though! There was barely a scratch...only a little one" Cobi explained to his parents before he looked over to you "which reminds me. Do you need to see the nurse or anything?" He asked.

You looked at him before what he said registered in your head, your thoughts being washed away.

"Oh, no I'm fine. Thanks though. I know what I'm doing when it comes to me" you murmured the last part to yourself "anyways the doctor will probably bring something which will heal me in a few hours fully once she gets back." You shrugged simply.

"Oh, yeah we brought her back because she's kind of lost the TARDIS right now and is stranded here" Karmilla told them.

" you have a way to contact the doctor? Or bring him back?" You asked them, looking at them hopefully.

"Sorry...the doctor really isn't here then?" The chief asked.

"No. While I was see the TARDIS sort of..dematerialised. Right in the air, it just...went away. I don't even know what I did for it to have gone so haywire. The TARDIS usually loves me. She..she is kind to me, she does what I ask. She even tries to keep me safe. Whenever she does anything I don't want her's to keep me safe" you sighed, realisation and guilt hitting you in the heart "kind of like the doctor herself..."

The reason the doctor always left you was to keep you safe. You were only just realising this. Everything the doctor did for you was to keep you safe. She always made sure you were at least with someone else if not in her own sight. She always tried to keep you away from danger and protect you from aliens that tried to kill you.

Even though you never asked for her to take you home...she only did it to keep you safe. As did Missy. The planet you were on was full of daleks and literal falling skyscrapers. The whole place was nothing but rubble and ash. The glass itself falling could have shredded you to pieces and killed you if not the daleks themselves which were shooting at you.

They had no idea of the challenges at home. In a way...that was kind of your fault. You never told them anything. You always kept it quiet. But you didn't know how to tell them, or how they would react. That was what you were afraid of. Their didn't want them to be angry. Either with Jason...or maybe with you. Jason always said you brought everything upon yourself. It was your fault...

But that planet was full of danger. Full of things trying to kill you, whether purposefully or not, whether consciously or not. Living or man made things...or whatever the heck those daleks were...they were trying to kill you. You would have easily died in that planet. And Missy couldn't bare that. You understood that, if the roles were reversed, you would have felt the same way.

The only reason they left you was to keep you safe. That was the intention at least. And you couldn't blame them for it all going wrong.

"Look can you find the doctor?" You asked, shaking your head "I need them. I need to go back..I'm already missing everyone. If there's a way you can contact them..."

"No" the chief said, making you furrow your brows.

"No?" You asked, slightly taken aback.

"We can't contact her...there's no way that we can. I'm sorry but...we're of no help to you" he explained while his wife simply looked at you with sadness and pity.

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