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"Wait you're both together? Like...properly together now?" Yas asked in shock, easing her eyebrows.

"Well...yeah. We've been dating a few times. Like the doctor's let me go home a few times. And we see each other. Go to restaurants and stuff. And we got along and so...yeah we're officially a thing" Ryan explained, shifting on his feet nervously "that's okay isn't it..."

"Well...I didn't even know you two had even gone on those dates yet. I mean...if she's happy. And you're happy...." Yas said slowly.

"I am! I'm happy with her. And she's with me too. Wait, hang on..why do you care about how I feel? It's your sister.." Ryan asked, furrowing his brows a little.

"Cuz you're my best mate Ryan" Yas smiled "I care about you too you know. How you feel, if you're happy" she told him, and he looked kind of surprised by that.

"That's right son, you've got feelings too you know" Graham smiled proudly.

"Yeah usually ones of complete fear like when you watched Annabel" Missy laughed, making you grin while chewing on your food.

Ryan shot an offended look at that, pouting in response. You all laughed in response while shaking your heads and the others walked over to get some food for themselves. Breakfast was the most important meal of the day after all. And it always did feel like you never got time to stop and get a bite to eat while on your runs together out in the universe on different planets and doing whatever it was you all did while fighting aliens.

"Great! Well, um..I guess I'll let Sonya know that we're cool. And that you're fine with us being together. Thanks Yas" he smiled widely, looking really happy with that.

"However!" Yaz suddenly exclaimed, scaring basically everyone in the room, but of course, mostly Ryan who nearly dropped his plate out of fear "if you ever, and I mean ever hurt her in any way Ryan Sinclair, I will make you regret it. I'm a police officer, I know how to attack people" she threatened, pointing her finger and glaring at him.

Forget Ryan, you yourself were afraid at this point. Even the doctor seemed taken aback by the threatening nature of those words. She really was protective of her sister. Really protective....

Missy just laughed in response before clapping her hands "yes, finally some spirit in one of your humans doctor. I guess I'm rubbing off on people huh" she grinned widely, making you roll your eyes and laugh at that.

The doctor furrowed her brows a little at that before shaking her head, giving Missy a weird look. Your angel just looked at you with a smug look, wiggling her eyebrows, making you laugh even harder, quickly grabbing some water so yo wouldn't choke on anything.

"No, I just care about my sister" Yaz retorted, "I'd do anything for her. I love her. She was there for me when even my own family wasn't. So, if anything happens to her Ryan I swear to god-"

Ryan quickly cut her off before she bored the whole place down, raising his hands in surrender. He definitely looked scared though he was smiling a little, shaking his head at her.

"Whoa whoa, Yas calm down. I wouldn't do anything to her I swear. I care about her. No person would harm their partner. Not if they really cared at least. I promise, I'll be good to her, always" Ryan said, placing a hand over his chest where his heart is to show the significance of his words.

You thought about what he said. No person would harm their partner.... Jason harmed you. But he said it was your fault. And that you made him angry. He always apologised afterwards. He always told you he loved you afterwards. You didn't know what to believe anymore. Was it really your fault he's beat you? It just felt like he was always angered by what you did.

"Hey" Missy brought your attention back, her hand holding your wrist softly and rubbing over it with her thumb "you okay?" She asked softly, her eyes showing some concern.

"Yeah I'm just thinking" you smiled "this food tastes really good" you told her.

"Thank you" she smiled in response, her smile always managing to brighten up your day and mood "I got first hand training from some world known chefs you know. I love travelling (y/n)" she sighed happily, making you giggle softly.

You always just felt so much happier when around her. It was just natural...She always made sure you were okay. She always noticed when something was off. She always comforted you. And most of all, she was always kind and caring towards you.

All of the people on the TARDIS were. They all were caring towards you. It helped you a lot. Knowing you had such good friends, these people who were like your second family. Just one day back with them and everything felt...normal again. Happy. Better...

This was where you belonged. Truly where you home was.

"Okay fine. I'm happy for you both, but the threat still stands. And by the way I have had some training in the police force with a gun too so...just letting you know" Yas smiled at that, making you raise your brows in response.

"Okay! Enough with the threats I won't do anything!" Ryan exclaimed, earning a laugh from you all.

Though you couldn't help but sigh a little and think to yourself. Whether or not Yas was lying or joking, she was still basically threatening Ryan with a gun if he hurt her sister.

You wondered what it would have been like with the doctor and Missy. If you let them know everything he did to you. How they would react. How even Yaz and Graham or Ryan would react. They were your friends too.

All of them would be after couldn't let that happen. It would be a bloodbath...

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